
Francesca fauri

Project coordinator, University of Bologna

JM Chair at the School of Economics of the University of Bologna, Forlì Campus (2011-2014). and JM Chair (2016-2019). As Vice-President of Scientific Committee of Europe Direct Forlì (granted as JM Centre of Excellence 2014-2017), she cooperates with many institutions in the organization of awareness events on EU. Her didactic activities include: teachings, lectures and seminars held in several EU and non-EU universities; several updating and training activities for teachers; the participation to many Conferences both in Italy and abroad. Her scientific activity concerns the historical analysis of EU migration movements from and to Italy and the EU. She is among the first Italian academics in this field and her researches lead to acknowledged academic results and international publications.  She is the academic coordinator of the project and she will participate to the Scientific Committee and she will be involved  in the development of some of the deliverables and she will participate to the research activities and to the organization of the international conferences.

Donatella Strangio

University of "La sapienza" Roma

Member H2020 project PERCEPTIONS, ( start 1.09.2019)-three-year EU-funded project which brings together an inter-multidisciplinary consortium of 25 partners from twelve European and three non-European countries. Her didactic activities include: teachings, lectures and seminars held in several EU and non-EU universities; several updating and training activities for teachers; the participation to many Conferences both in Italy and abroad.

In the project she will participate to the Scientific Committee and she will be involved  in the development of some of the deliverables and she will participate to the research activities and to the international conferences. She will look after the organization of the exhibition (pictures and documents) in Buenos Aires at the Immigrants’ Hotel Museum  on the history of Italian enterprises and entrepreneurs in Argentina.

Debora Mantovani

University of Bologna

She is associate professor at the University of Bologna and has extensively worked on the educational achievement and integration of  immigrant-origin students.

In the project she will participate to the Scientific Committee and she will be involved  in the development of some of the deliverables and she will participate to the research activities and to the international conferences.

Eleonora Vlach

Goethe University Frankfurt (Germany)

Eleonora Vlach is currently post-doctoral researcher at the Chair of Social Stratification and Social Policy at the Institute of Sociology, Goethe University Frankfurt (Germany). Since she started her post-doc at the Goethe University Frankfurt in 2018, she has been teaching at both Bachelor and Master level numerous courses devoted to the analysis of social inequality in comparative perspective, as well as of educational and labour market outcomes of immigrants and their descendants in Germany. She is also currently deputy Editor of the scientific journal “European Sociological Review”, edited by Oxford University Press.

In the project she will take part in the Scientific Committee. More precisely she will: collaborate in the selection of contributions for conferences, perform the research in order to contribute with a chapter to the edited book, present her results to the scientific committee and actively participate in the committee discussions about the results of the project and its developments, get involved  in the scientific development of some of the deliverables and take part  to the international conferences.

Vania Herédia

Universidade de Caxias do Sul (Caxias do Sul-BR)

She  is professor at the Universidade de Caxias do Sul (Caxias do Sul-BR) in Brazil. She coordinates a research group at the University Caxias do Sul and cooperates with others universities that research migration issues. She also coordinates a research team on “migratory studies” in CNPq  group directory, the Brazilian research center. In the project she will study  the socio-cultural transformations in the main communities of Italian origin in Rio Grande do Sul and take part to  the Scientific Committee. She will also  be involved  in the development of some of the deliverables and she will participate to the research activities and to the international conferences.

María Soledad Balsas

Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)

Permanente staff member (adjunct researcher) at Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Argentina. She obtained a PhD in Social Sciences at Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, a Masters degree in Migration Studies at Università degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza', Italy, a Bachelor degree in Social Communication at Universidad de Buenos Aires, and a Teacher Training Diploma in the same field at Universidad de Buenos Aires. Her main areas of research interest refer to different aspects of transnational migration and media. She has been engaged in several research projects and consultancy work at national and international level. She is a member of the editorial board of a scientific journal in Costa Rica and collaborated as an external reviewer with numerous international scientific journals. She received grants from governmental agencies and publicly-funded institutions in Argentina, Italy, Germany and Canada either to pursue postgraduate studies or to conduct research. Her publications include three books and almost twenty peer-reviewed papers in Spanish, Italian or English as well as several mainstream media productions.

In the project she will participate to the Scientific Committee and she will be involved  in the development of some of the deliverablesand she will participate to the research activities and to the international conferences and especially in the organization of the conference in Buenos Aires.

Paolo Galassi

PhD in American an Argentine History at the University of Bahia Blanca, Argentina

He has a PhD in American an Argentine History at the University of Bahia Blanca, Argentina (2020). Master’s degree in International Relations between Europe and Latin America, University of Bologna in Buenos Aires (2014). Master’s degree in Semiotics (2011) and Bachelor in Communication Sciences at University of Bologna (2004). At the moment is a research member of CEINA, Centro de Estudios Interdisciplinarios sobre Nuestra América “José Martí”, at the University of Bahia Blanca, Department of Humanities, American and Argentinian History Area, and member of the coordination committee of  CECIES, Centro de Ciencia, Educación y Sociedad, Pensamiento Latinoamericano y Alternativo (ISSN 1852-3625 -         

In the project he will be involved  in the development of some of the deliverables and he will participate to the research activities and to the international conferences. He will follow and coordinate the project and its specific activities  in Argentina. 

Fabio Casini

University of Bologna

 In charge of administrative issues of Punto Europa Forlì (granted as JM Centre of Excellence) and coordinator of its activities and adjunct professor of “Europrogettazione” at the University of Bologna – Forlì campus. PhD in Institutions, ideas and political movements in contemporary Europe, at the University of Pavia, with a research project on “the Birth and the development of the information policy of the European Communities 1952-1967”. Furthermore, he is an expert on Euro-project management and teached courses on this topic in Italy and abroad. In the framework of the project he will be in charge of administrative and financial issues of the project itself, webmaster of the website and in charge of the organisation of the activities. He will support also teachings on project management issues and he will be in the scientific committee of the Chair as expert on the EU Information policy.