This workshop will be an important milestone for project members to achieve a common understanding of SeeRRI’s framework and key influencing factors as well as RRI activities at both organizational level and territorial level.
Dipartimento di Architettura, Università di Bologna, viale del Risorgimento 2, Bologna (Italy)
LA CITTA' GLOBALE La condizione urbana come fenomeno pervasivo
Hotel Vilnia, Maironio St. 1, LT-01124 Vilnius, Lithuania
The second meeting of the Icaro, Innovative qualifications for technological and organizational innovation in the building sector, will take place in Vilnius on 11 and 12 September. During the meeting will be illustrated the progress of the project.
Sustainable Land Use
Cork, Ireland
Northeim, Germany
On 25th-26th June, MATCH-UP partners will meet in Northeim (DE) for the 3rd site visit and staff exchange.
Nicosia, Cyprus
Planning and Regeneration
ENEA sede centrale, Lungotevere Thaon di Revel, 76, 00196 Roma
Nell'imminente contesto di transizione dai risultati di mitigazione 2020 ai piú integrati obiettivi di mitigazione e adattamento 2030, Il segretariato europeo del Patto dei Sindaci ha pianificato una serie di azioni rivolte ai firmatari Italiani durante tutto l'arco del 2019.
Crete, Greece
Timisoara, Romania
On 8th and 9th May, MATCH-UP partners will meet in the Romanian city of Timisoara (RO) for the second site visit and staff exchange.
Wild Gallery, Rue du Charroi 11, 1190 Forest, Brussels
The workshop will be focused on designing successful action plans and transferring good practices and experiences
Planning and Regeneration
Flemish Land Agency, Koning Albert II Laan 15, 1000 Brussels (Belgium)
Fostering the Circular Food Economy through Stronger Rural-Urban Linkages
The castle of La Mota (Castillo de la Mota) Avenida del Castillo s/n 47400 - Medina del Campo, Valladolid, Spain