The Team

Status April 2024

Alessandra Tolomelli

Alessandra Tolomelli

Associate professor of Organic Chemistry

Alessandra Tolomelli is an Associate professor at the Department of Chemistry Ciamician since 2017. Her main research interests are the synthesis of bioactive peptidomimetics as ligands of biological receptors, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatory agents, using asymmetric synthesis and biocatalysis. She is also interested in the conformational analysis of peptides and peptidomimetics using NMR spectroscopy. She is the author of 110 publications. She is involved in several national and international research projects and in  collaborative research projects with industrial companies

Walter Cabri

Walter Cabri

Full Professor of Organic Chemistry

Walter Cabri after more than 35 years in the pharmaceutical industry with interest spanning from drug discovery to drug development joined in December 2019 the Ciamician Institute of Organic Chemistry at the Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna. He is co-inventor of 111 patents and coauthor of >140 papers and one book: "From Bench to Market. The Evolution of Chemical Synthesis from Drug Discovery to Industrial Production.”; Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2000.

Lucia Ferrazzano

Lucia Ferrazzano

Associated Researcher

Dario Corbisiero

Dario Corbisiero

Post Doc Fellow

Tommaso Fantoni

Tommaso Fantoni

Post Doc Fellow

Silvia Rizzo

Silvia Rizzo

PhD Student

Leonardo Rapisarda

Leonardo Rapisarda

PhD Student

Organic Chemistry passionate, ready to face new challenges and gain knowledge and experience in the Tolomelli-Cabri Lab.

Ilaria DI Stefano

Ilaria DI Stefano

PhD Student