
The Local Public Service Center (OSPL) has been created for studying the performance trends of local public services offered by Italian local public administrations (municipalities, metropolitan cities, provinces, regions), called to satisfy the basic needs of citizens and businesses. These services represent the substrate on which the social and productive system of the country relies, determining the level of competitiveness and attractiveness in the European and international context.

OSPL proposes to study these trends through an information platform fed by basic data collected from primary data producers, among which ISTAT (administrative registries, social services), SOSE spa (analysis of fundamental functions - Opencivitas), and Ministry of Economy and Finance (balance sheets of local public administrations - Banca Dati delle Amministrazioni Pubbliche BDAP).

OSPL develops the following main activities:

a) data aggregation;

b) reports elaboration;

c) reports dissemination;

d) dynamic data browsing.

OSPL collaborates with CNEL - National Council for Economy and Labour for the the analysis of local public services within the Annual Report to Parliament and Government on the levels and quality of services offered by central and local public administrations to businesses and citizens.