Traslational Specialistic Medicine “G.B. Morgagni”

  • What it is

    Mobility experience with a research focus

  • Who it’s for

    PhD sandwich


Department of Cardiac, Thoracic, Vascular Sciences and Public Health

Main research activities/topics/projects

The PhD course in Translational Specialistic Medicine “G.B. Morgagni” offers highly competitive PhD Programs in the biomedical field of Cardiovascular Sciences, Clinical and Translational Neurosciences, Endocrine and Metabolic Sciences, Biostatistics and Clinical Epidemiology, Thoracic and Pulmonary Sciences, Nursing and Health Sciences. The main objective of the course is to form top-level scientists in the biomedical disciplines and offers a wide range of facilities to perform research in clinical and experimental medicine from basic science to clinics with particular emphasis on translational medicine. Specific research areas concern basic sciences and molecular medicine, technical laboratory skills, and a research method in Medicine and Surgery to be applied in the prevention, diagnosis and therapy of human diseases. Artificial Intelligence applied to biomedical field is a plus offered in the program. Using a multidisciplinary approach to biomedical sciences, competences in epidemiology, genetics, biology and molecular pathology, regenerative medicine, physiopathology, diagnostics and therapy are integrated. The visiting Ph. Doctors will gain skills for designing experimental protocols, for directing research projects and for treating patients with the power of the experimental scientific method. 

Working language

English, Italian, Spanish (limited)

Special entry requirements

Basic office/internet knowledge

Duration in months (min-max)

PhD sandwich: 2-12