Mobility experience with a research focus
Master students involved in the final research, PhD sandwich, Post Doc
Department of Biomedical Sciences for Health, University of Milano
Research Activities:
1) Transtyretin-Cardiac Amyloidosis;
2) Chronic Intestinal Pseudo-Obstruction (rare) disease;
3) Cellular model of glycemic variability for understanding novel molecular biomarkers for development of preventive programmes for Diabetes and cardiovascular complications;
4) MicroRNAs as novel tools to treat cardiovascular and dysmetabolic diseases.
5) MicroRNAs in rare diseases.
Master students can be integrated in 3). PhD and Post-Doc Researcher can be integrated in 1), 2), 3), 4) and 5).
Lab experience
Master: basic experience on cell culturing
computer skills: office package
PhD and Post-Doc Researcher: experience on cell culturing, biochemical assays, microscopy.
Master Researcher: 8-12
PhD sandwich: 8-12
Post Doc: 8-12
Lucia La Sala