Quantum simulations for biological systems

  • What it is

    Mobility experience with a research focus

  • Who it’s for

    PhD sandwich; Post Doc


Department of Physics

Main research activities/topics/projects

The research develops along two main lines:
(i) Study of noise-assisted transport in open quantum networks , (also beyond the Markov approximation), that can simulate information and/or energy transport in noisy and warm biological systems.
(ii) Study of quantum information processing and scrambling in open complex quantum networks that, within the quantum-like paradigm, can be used to describe visual neuroscience phenomena happening in the (classical) complex neuronal systems. This study is performed in collaboration with the neuroscience group led by professor Concetta Morrone (University of Pisa). Comparative studies with artificial neural networks are also envisioned.

Both types of studies are performed with simulational methods for open quantum networks. Study (ii) also involves, from the neuroscience side, significant activities of data analysis.

Special entry requirements

Use of Matlab and, possibly, coding skills.

Duration in months (min-max)

PhD sandwich: 2-12

Post Doc: 1-2


Main scientific contact person

Marilu Chiofalo


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Other scientific contact person

Jorge Yago Malo

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