Planet formation and exoplanets

  • What it is

    Mobility experience with a research focus

  • Who it’s for

    Master students involved in the final research; PhD sandwich; Post Doc


Department of Physics and Astronomy

Main research activities/topics/projects

The researcher will participate in the activities of the planet formation and exoplanets group at DIFA, carrying out observational or theoretical research in collaboration with the group members. The research of the group focuses on the analysis and interpretation of observational data from world leading observatories. The team works on data and models to characterise the properties of gas and dust in protostars and protoplanetary disks, the properties of the central star and its interaction with the disk, as well as the detection and characterization of forming planets in the disk. The group collaborates with an international team to provide constraints to numerical models being developed by other ECOGAL partners. Some specific tasks may include:

• Postprocessing (using and possibly improving upon the existing ECOGAL pipelines) of numerical simulations from other ECOGAL nodes with the goal of performing a meaningful comparison with real observational data collected and analysed by the Bologna node
• Acquire, analyse and compare with theoretical models submm data from ALMA and NOEMA with the goal of characterizing the properties of protostars and forming disks and their evolution as a function of the environment
• Acquire, analyse and compare with theoretical models infrared high spectral and spatial resolution data with the aim of characterizing disk-planet interaction and young planets properties
• Use and develop the disk population simulations code available in our group to compare with observations of disk populations.
• Contribute to the definition of the science goals and requirements for instrumentation for ground-based observatories and space missions aiming at the observations of planet formation throughout the Galaxy (e.g. PRIMA Probe, ELT-Morfeo, ALMA/Band 2, SKA)

Special entry requirements

Astronomy and/or physics background, knowledge of astronomical datasets and methodologies, proficiency with the python computing environment

Duration in months (min-max)

Master Research: 6-12

PhD sandwich: 6-12

Post Doc: 6-12


Main scientific contact person

Prof. Leonardo Testi


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