PhD course in Physics - PhD in Mathematics

  • What it is

    Mobility experience with a research focus

  • Who it’s for

    Master students involved in the final research; PhD sandwich; Post Doc


Department of Mathematics and Physics, Roma tre University 


Main research activities/topics/projects

The Department carries several research lines in Mathematics and Physics such as Astrophysics, Condensed Matter Physics, Particle Physics, Theoretical Physics, Earth Climate and Planetary Physics, Algebra, Geometry, Analysis, Geometry, Probability Theory, Numerical Analysis, Logics and Informatics, Mathematical Physics. 
Master/PhD/Post Doc candidates, according to their specific interests and previous contact/arrangement, will be integrated in the above research lines.


Working language

The working language for carrying research at all levels can be both Italian and English.


Special entry requirements

There are no special entry requirements, but a previous contact/interview is highly recommended, especially for Master students, to verify the level of background, keeping in mind that in Italy the two-year Master degree comes after a three-year Undergraduate degree. Hence an equivalent curriculum is expected.


Duration in months (min-max)

Master Research: 6-12
PhD sandwich: 6-18
Post Doc: 6-24


Main scientific contact person

Dean of Department: Roberto Raimondi

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Main scientific contact person

Physics Section Head: Paola Gallo

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Main scientific contact person

Mathematics Section Head: Michela Procesi

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Main scientific contact person

Mathematics Master Programme Head: Francesca Tartarone

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Main scientific contact person

Physics Master Programme Head: Elena Pettinelli

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Main scientific contact person

Physics PhD Programme Head: Giorgio Matt

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Main scientific contact person

Mathematics PhD Programme Head: Alessandro Giuliani

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Other scientific contact persons of the same group

Department staff

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