Mobility experience with a research focus
Master students involved in the final research, PhD sandwich, Post Doc
OptLab, Department of Computer Science, University of Milan
The candidate will join the research activities of OptLab ( Its core field of research is optimization, and more in details (a) the design of algorithms for hard combinatorial optimization problems (b) the development and use of special techniques in mathematical programming.
Possible topics could be (depending on the level and backgroud of the candidates):
- optimization algorithms for hard vehicle routing problems
- models and algorithms for facility location, packing and scheduling problems in logistics and network optimization
- column generation, branch-and-price, branch-and-cut methods in mathematical programming
- dynamic programming for constrainted shortest path problems on graphs
- mathematical programming methods for training special purpose machine learning models (e.g. enforcing fairness or privacy by design)
- algorithmic and data-driven methods for automatic decomposition of mixed integer programs.
Operations Research, Design and Experimental Analysis of Algorithms, Computer Programming, Statistics
Duration in months (min-max)
Master Research: 3-6
PhD sandwich: 3-12
Post Doc: 6-12
Alberto Ceselli
Michele Barbato
Nicola Bianchessi