Diritto penale in trasformazione (Dottorato in scienze giuridiche cesare beccaria) Law and economics. politiche anti-recidiva: un approccio economico (Dottorato in scienze giuridiche cesare beccaria)

  • What it is

    Mobility experience with a research focus

  • Who it’s for

    Master students involved in the final research, PhD sandwich, Post Doc


Department of Scienze giuridiche “Cesare Beccaria”, University of Milan


Main research activities/topics/projects

A) The general part of criminal law, namely constitutional principles, the categories of criminal offences and criminal sanctions. B) The special part of criminal law, e.g. offences against individuals, gender violence, offences against public administration, cybercrime, environmental crime, drugs.


Working language

Italian and English

Duration in months (min-max)

Master Research:2-12

PhD sandwich: 2-12

Post Doc: 2-12


Main Scientific Contact Person

Prof. Gian Luigi Gatta
