Digital Transformation and Economic Policies

  • What it is

    Mobility experience with a research focus

  • Who it’s for

    Post Doc


Department of Economics at University of Bergamo


Main research activities/topics/projects

The post-doc researcher will work, together with the main supervisor, on a project on innovation policies and the digital transformation. The project aims particularly at studying the effects of innovation policies on the diffusion of digital technologies. Understanding the outcomes of past innovation policies, particularly those aimed at spurring digital transformation and green transition, is paramount. Assessing their effectiveness at both national and supranational (European) levels in relation to various performance indicators for firms could illuminate the impacts of these policies. Such an evaluation may raise several research questions that the panel data at country level as well as at European level could help address: 

  • What are the effects of innovation policy, especially those aimed to enhance the diffusion of digital, on firms’ productivity and their competitiveness?
  • Have sectors been affected differently by innovation policies?
  • What is the impact of current digital transformation policies on different industrial sectors?
  • In order to acquire the necessary knowledge in digital technologies, are firms acquiring specialized firm or they do invest more in R&D?


Working language



Special entry requirements

Competences and Skills required: good knowledge of econometrics and causal inference, capabilities to work with large, longitudinal datasets.


Duration in months (min-max)

Post Doc: 3-12


Main Scientific Contact Person

Supervisor, Full Professor of Economic Policy

