Voices and beings reverberating in hospitality: The poetics of Giovanni Pascoli and Mariangela Gualtieri

  • What it is

    Mobility experience with a research focus

  • Who it’s for

    Master students involved in the final research; PhD sandwich


Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies

Main research activities/topics/projects

This master's level research, which began a year ago, came from an initiative oriented towards the purpose of covering aspects related to what the study of the Italian literary context aroused as fascination: the hospitality of linguistic modulations that create conditions for the recipience of different beings and spheres. In this sense, we chose to analyze the unfoldment of such hospitality specifically in the writings of Giovanni Pascoli and Mariangela Gualtieri, since both open their productions to multiple sonic and symbolic meanings, revealing an effective listening position. Through this stance, the two poets develop compositions that reverberate a complex vocal amalgam, in addition to the “Voci di tenebra azzurra” (“voices of blue darkness”), an expression which, alluded by the Pascolian lyrical subject of “La Mia Sera” (2006), names a play by Gualtieri published and presented in 2014. Thus, considering the linkages that this play signals between the authors, the centrality that the theme of voice acquires in it, and the alterity that the mentioned writings insinuate, we aim to answer the following questions: In which direction do the receptiveness of Pascoli and Gualtieri's poetics converge and how do the aforesaid voices of blue darkness contribute to this convergence? To investigate these facets, we are employing a qualitative, bibliographic, and exploratory methodology based on the mobilization of a theoretical framework that includes reflections organized by Giorgio Agamben, in A linguagem e a morte (2006), as well as views by Paul Zumthor (2018), and by Jean-Luc Nancy (2010) about voice and listening. In this way, contemplating philosophical and literary-critical bases, the project focuses on the objective of not only verifying the probable connections between the works of the referred Romagnoli poets — granting them greater visibility in Brazil and fostering Brazilians' access to Italian poetry —, but also to analyze the ethical dimension that these works unveil when they become sounding boards for the confluence and welcoming of different voices, beings, and possible dwellings. The candidate is expected to be integrated in the Contemporary Italian Literature research groups, in the doctoral activity of the PhD program in Philological and Literary Cultures, mainly through a cooperation with leading members of the “Accademia Pascoliana” and the “Emilio Villa International Research Center”, both operating in the field of contemporary poetry. Those programs and research units are currently based in the host Department.

Working language


Special entry requirements

A general ability to use PCs, scanners, and digitization software.

Duration in months (min-max)

Master Research: 3-4

PhD sandwich: 6-12


Main scientific contact person

Prof. Stefano Colangelo


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Other scientific contact persons of the same group

Prof. Daniela Baroncini

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