LLiS@FICLIT Experimental Linguistics Laboratory “R. Carati”

  • What it is

    Mobility experience with a research focus

  • Who it’s for

    PhD sandwich ; Post Doc


Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies

Main research activities/topics/projects

- Clinical Linguistics (e.g., collection and annotation of corpora of “disordered” language, computational extraction of Digital Linguistic Biomarkers – DLBs, development of Linguistic Resources and language tests to support speech and language therapists in their clinical activities)
- Linguistic typology (synchronic and diachronic cross-linguistic comparison of morphological, syntactic, semantic phenomena, e.g., evaluative morphology, complex word formation, reference systems, negation)
- Sociolinguistics (e.g., corpus-based studies of restandardization phenomena, Italo-Romance varieties, plurilingualism, heritage speakers)
- Computational Linguistics: prompting Large Language Models for solving NLP problems

Working language

Italian and/or English 

Special entry requirements

Basic computer skills, advanced training in the field of Language Science (MA degree/PhD in Linguistics)

Duration in months (min-max)

PhD sandwich: 2-3

Post Doc: 2-3


Main scientific contact person

Prof. Gloria Gagliardi - Internship supervisor

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Main scientific contact person

Prof. Fabio Tamburini - Lab. Director

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Other scientific contact persons of the same group

Prof. Chiara Gianollo

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Other scientific contact persons of the same group

Prof. Nicola Grandi

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Other scientific contact persons of the same group

Prof. Emanuele Miola

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