Mobility experience with a research focus
Master students involved in the final research; PhD sandwich; Post Doc
Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Roma Tre University
LM37 Master Degree
The master’s degree Course in Languages and Literatures for Education and Translation (LM-37) aims to the acquisition of professional skills mostly related to the fields of Education, Communication, Translation and Adaptation within the macro areas of literature, journalism, publishing (print and digital), and entertainment (audiovisual, theatre, new media). The languages covered by the courses are English, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese and Russian. Specific objectives of the degree are the achievement of advanced critical methodologies and knowledge in reading, discourse analysis, critical analysis, translation and adaptation of texts (in foreign languages and in Italian), and the acquisition of theoretical and applicative tools for language and literature teaching. The aim of the degree course is also the acquisition of advanced skills in one of the foreign languages and literatures in which students get a specialization.
LM38 Master Degree
The Master degree on “Modern Languages for International Communication” (LM38) comprises several research areas, related to the use of language as a tool for mediation, communication and translation. The languages covered by the courses are English, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese and Arabic.
In particular, the LM38 focus on areas such as intercultural communication and international relations, with special reference to learning the use of languages for communication in companies, international organizations, tourism and culture, migration and integration processes.
Other courses deal with the translation of texts, with particular emphasis on specialized, written, oral and multimedia texts.
Finally, important areas of research concern linguistics, foreign language teaching and Italian L2, with particular reference to language learning for language teaching.
PhD Programme
The PhD Programme in Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures includes research activities related to modern languages and literatures (English, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish) and it broadly goes along two paths:
-modern languages and translation studies;
-literary, cultural and textual/philological studies
Taught courses are in Italian but also in English and rely on intermedial and intercultural methodologies and theories. The academic research fields and expertise of the Members of the Board as prospective tutors of PhD Candidates, can be found here:
Master Research: 2-6
PhD sandwich: 3-12
Post Doc: 3-12
Head of the Department - Prof. Dr. Simone Trecca
LM37 Master Coordinator - Prof.a D.r Gianluca Paolucci
LM38 Master Coordinator - Prof.a Dr.a Elena Nuzzo
PhD Programme Coordinator - Prof.a Dr.a Maddalena Pennacchia