Reproductive Physiology

  • What it is

    Mobility experience with a research focus

  • Who it’s for

    Master students involved in the final research; Post Doc


Department of Life Sciences

Main research activities/topics/projects

Our group studies the influence of the placenta on the physiology and development of fetal tissues, including cells of the central nervous system and the heart. To perform the experiments, we use in vitro placental models and cell lines representative of fetal tissues. In particular, we study how the placenta responds to adverse maternal environmental conditions and how it transmits this information to the fetus.

The candidate will be involved in the following activities:

1. Setting up in vitro models of maternal-fetal crosstalk

2. Functional analysis of maternal-fetal crosstalk

Working language


Special entry requirements

Cell cultures techniques; biochemical assays. 

Duration in months (min-max)

Master Research: 6-8

PhD sandwich: 8-12


Main scientific contact person

Francesca Ietta

+39 0577 232370

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Other scientific contact persons of the same group

Leonardo Ermini

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