Plant Diversity and Evolutionary Ecology

  • What it is

    Mobility experience with a research focus

  • Who it’s for

    PhD sandwich; Post Doc


Department of Biology

Main research activities/topics/projects

Plant diversity and trait evolution to find out how plants adapt and reproduce, either at global scale in vascular plants as a whole, or on specific clades or restricted geographic areas. Methods. Combination of field work, experimental approach and synthesis of data from the literature and databases to quantify plant responses to various environmental drivers including past, current and futurem climate, providing a sound background to support conservation initiatives. Comparative methods to analyse data on species richness, community (phylogenetic) assembly and plant regeneration by seeds to understand processes driving plant diversity and evolutionary patterns in reproductive biology.

Working language 


Special entry requirements

Field or laboratory experience; R statistical environment knowledge

Duration in months (min-max)

PhD sandwich: 2-12
Post Doc: 2-12


Main scientific contact person

Angelino Carta

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