PhD Life And Environmental Sciences

  • What it is

    Mobility experience with a research focus

  • Who it’s for

    PhD sandwich


Department of Life And Environmental Sciences

Main research activities/topics/projects

The aim of the Doctorate course in Life and Environmental Sciences is the training of highly qualified researchers, equipped with cultural and technical tools suitable for an interdisciplinary study of biological and environmental systems at different degrees of complexity. The Doctoral program is based on three curricula (Marine Biology and Ecology, Biomolecular Sciences and Civil and Environmental Protection) which develop in parallel, although they are connected to each other due to a substantial overlap of the groups responsible for the different research programmes. In this way, disciplinary diversity is combined with coherent training that is strictly functional to the advanced research activities envisaged during the PhD course. The common interests and skills of the research groups participating in the training process guarantee the advantages of synergistic interdisciplinary interaction. The advanced research projects that are developed within the Doctoral Course address most of society's challenges, as described by the sustainable development indicators (SDGs) in the 2030 Agenda adopted by the UN and in full coherence with the specific objectives of the national research program. Obviously, the topics developed are part of the research areas that characterize the Department of Life and Environmental Sciences, home of the Doctorate Courses. In many cases, industrial partners and/or some local and national industrial districts are directly involved in doctoral projects.

In particular, the training project includes 3 distinct curricula:
- Marine Biology and Ecology, with the aim of training professionals in basic and applied marine research. The curriculum aims to develop inter-and multidisciplinary research skills and the acquisition of theoretical knowledge, technical skills, methodological rigor and skills in environmental planning and management to be applied in the field of marine biology and ecology.
- Biomolecular Sciences, with the aim of training experts for the strategic sectors of public and private research in molecular and cellular biology and biotechnology, aiming at the development of research capabilities based on interdisciplinary approaches and the use of advanced instrumentation. Knowledge of biological phenomena and the most modern techniques also allows you to address management aspects in the analytical and industrial (biotechnological, biomedical) fields.
- Civil and Environmental Protection, with the aim of training a new generation of experts in the field of civil protection and environmental protection capable of developing safe and sustainable models of human-environment interaction and of having management skills to operate locally and internationally, for the crisis resolution and for the strategic planning of the territory and its resources

Working language

Italian or English

Duration in months (min-max)

PhD sandwich: 2-12


Main scientific contact person

Prof. Paolo MARIANI - Coordinator of the PhD course


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