Benefits related to participation

As recognition of the time that each participating parent will dedicate to the project, the Department of Economics will make available, to the schools with a formal agreement with the project, an economic contribution to be allocated to the purchase of toys, books and educational materials.

The amount of the expenses reimbursement is proportionate to the number of participants for each class who have completed the questionnaires proposed in the initial and final phase of the course, and varies from a minimum of 50€ for all schools in which the parents of at least 5 children fill in all the initial questionnaires, up to more than 1000€ depending on the number of parents who complete all questionnaires at the beginning and at the end of the project. 

The exact amount for each school will be calculated as follows:

Initial questionnaires 

  • 10 € per-each parent compiling all questionnaires 
  • additional 50 € if at least 20 parents in a school complete all questionnaires


Final questionnaires

  • 20 € per-each parent compiling all questionnaires 
  • additional 50 € if at least 20 parents in a school complete all questionnaires


At the end of the project, an aggregate and anonymous form of results will be offered to parents, teachers and pedagogists of participating schools.