The Power Systems Engineering Laboratory - LISEP - is part of the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering (DEI) of the University of Bologna. The laboratory carries out research in the areas of production, transmission, distribution and utilization of electricity with particular reference to smart grids.
Starting from 1994, the laboratory is headed by professor Carlo Alberto Nucci.
The scientific activity is carried out in the framework of the programmed activities of the Italian University power system group and within the framework of several national and international research collaborations.
The scientific activity is also connected with that of Cigré working groups of SC 4 System Technical Performance and IEEE PES, as well as with that of the IEEE PES Italian chapter.
Besides the presentation to national and international conferences and the publication in scientific journals, the diffusion of the results obtained by the research activity is helped by the participation of LISEP to the EES-UETP (Electric Energy Systems - University Enterprise Training Partnership), which is an Association of Universities and Enterprises for the training in the field of Electric Energy Systems.
The research activity is funded by University, MIUR, and EU grants, research contracts with national and foreigner research centers and with private companies.