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11 OCTOBER 2024

The 2024 European Parliament Election and the New Perspectives on Solidarity

Aula A Est Via Irnerio, 42 – Bologna


Concluded events

16 JULY 2024

The EU and Constitutional Time

Centro ALMA HUMAN AI – CIRSFID, Sala Kelsen, Via Galliera 3, Bologna

Book Launch

26 APRIL 2024

El Principio de Solidaridad a Nivel Nacional y Europeo

Sala de Conferencias, Facultad de Derecho, Plaza de la Universidad, Granada

22 DECEMBER 2023

Winter School 2023

ZOOM - Online event

The Winter School on SOLIDARITY provides comparative insights on case law from Italy, Germany, Portugal and the EU concerning the scope and application of such principle.

10 NOVEMBER 2023

Il principio di solidarietà: prospettive regionali e multilivello

Regione Emilia-Romagna

The third event of EU_SOCIAL explores the different dimensions of solidarity, taking into account territorial decentralization and the role of Regions in their interaction with the State and the EU.

02 NOVEMBER 2023

Meanings of Solidarity in Latin American Constitutions: an Anti-European Model?

New York University, Conference Room 22 Washington Square North

Roundtable discussion on the non-Western understanding of solidarity vis-à-vis the European interpretation.

03 FEBRUARY 2023


University of Hamburg, Germany

The second event of the EU_SOCIAL Module will take place at the University of Hamburg. It will gather experts of migration law, law and economics, comparative law and political science to assess the impact of solidarity through EU policies and their implementation at the domestic level.

04 NOVEMBER 2022

Kick-Off Meeting

The meeting is open to UNIBO community and stakeholders, organizations of citizens, regional and municipal officers, administrators and unions. It presents all planned EU_SOCIAL activities, to receive valuable insights on the needs and challenges for the preparation of the following initiatives.