Prof. Lambros Malafouris' lectures and seminars

Prof. Malafouris' Fellowship is co-funded by the “Umberto Eco” International Centre for Humanistic Studies and the Institute of Advanced Studies

Published on 02 August 2024 | Visiting Fellowship

“Haptic Attentive Unity (HAU) and the Dialogue between Maker and Material” - Seminar

September 20th from 16.00 – 19.00 in Sala Rossa Palazzo Marchesini, Via Marsala 26 (Bologna)

More info
Click here if you want to attend the seminar


“People are STRANGE” - ISA lecture

September 24th from 17.30 – 19.00 in Sala Rossa Palazzo Marchesini, Via Marsala 26 (Bologna)

More info
Click here if you want to attend the lecture


Modes of Human Becoming” - Seminar

September 25th from 16.00 – 19.00 in Sala Rossa Palazzo Marchesini, Via Marsala 26 (Bologna)

More info
Click here if you want to attend the seminar 


“Perspectival Kinaesthetic Imaging and the Semiotics of Matter” - Umberto Eco Lecture

September 26th from 9.00 – 11.00 in Sala Rossa Palazzo Marchesini, Via Marsala 26 (Bologna)

More info
Click here if you want to attend the lecture