Lecture by Dr. Tomas Veloz, Centre Leo Apostel, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Date: 04 NOVEMBER 2021 from 17:30 to 19:00
Event location: Sala Rossa, Via Marsala, 26 Bologna - In presence and online event
Type: Lectures
In traditional scientific and engineering applications, reaching a goal is generally represented as a process of optimization of a fitness or utility function, which encodes the goal. This approach is however insufficient to explain how goals become as such. Examples of these "goal emergent situations" are life, language and consciousness.
In this talk we will propose how to represent goals as "emergent self-organized structures" from a general systems perspective, by applying an implementation of the reaction networks framework, known as Chemical Organization Theory (COT). We will review how to operationalize important notions such as system, emergence, meta-system, and others under the light of our approach, and demonstrate that taxonomies for classifying different forms of goals can be naturally deduced from the different kinds of structural changes that a reaction network can undergo or prevent.
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