The Biochemistry of Nickel: Il Buono, Il Brutto, Il Cattivo

Lecture by Michael J. Maroney, University of Massachusetts,USA

  • Date: 15 SEPTEMBER 2021  from 17:30 to 19:00

  • Event location: Sala Rossa, Via Marsala, 26 Bologna - In presence and online event

  • Type: Lectures

Nickel is named for a demon, and it is certainly capable of living up to its namesake. Showing its good side, it is inexpensive and widely employed metal in the manufacture of alloys and batteries, and in catalysis. Biologically, nickel often shows its darker side. Nickel compounds are known human carcinogens and are a leading cause of contact dermatitis. Nickel has had a major impact in the evolution of life on Earth, and It is an essential metal for many microorganisms--including being a virulence factor for a number of human pathogens. Its essentiality can be traced to catalytic centers in at least eight classes of enzymes. Given that the only common oxidation state in aqueous media is +2, it was an early surprise in the study of nickel metalloenzymes to find nickel employed as a redox center in several cases. High concentrations of transition metals are toxic to cells. To control the availability of nickel and direct it to the correct enzyme targets, proteins collectively known as ‘trafficking proteins,’ are employed. These proteins control the import/export of specific metals, regulate the expression of the importers/exporters (metallosensors), and deliver the correct metal to the enzyme target (metallochaperones). Given that there are no known human nickel metalloenzymes, these microbial nickel trafficking systems are attractive antibiotic targets. This talk will serve as a general introduction to the biochemistry of nickel and broadly focus on the molecular basis for its biological functions.

La conferenza sarà in modalità mista. Per partecipare in presenza è indispensabile la prenotazione all’indirizzo entro le ore 12 di mercoledì 15 settembre. L’assegnazione dei posti disponibili in rispetto del protocollo vigente avverrà su base “first come first served”.

In base al decreto legge 6 agosto 2021, n. 111, per partecipare alla conferenza in presenza sarà necessario esibire la Certificazione verde COVID-19.

The visit of Michael J. Maroney is organised in collaboration with Francesco Musiani from the Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology.