Risks in the Transition to Circular Economy in the Construction Sector

Risks and challenges of green transition in the construction industry

  • Date: 29 OCTOBER 2024  from 17:30 to 19:00

  • Event location: Sala Rossa, Palazzo Marchesini, Via Marsala, 26 - Bologna - In presence and online event

  • Type: Lectures

We currently face global climate, energy and natural resources crises and the construction industry is a major contributor to these problems – in the European Union, it accounts for half of all raw materials used, one third of all waste generated and 40% of final energy consumption occurs in buildings. To tackle them, there is an emerging consensus that the construction sector needs to embrace production and operation approaches that eliminate waste and pollution, keep materials and components in use at their highest value and regenerate nature – in accordance with the circular economy principles. The current status is measurable, the future state is outlined by the internationally negotiated targets that have been set, particularly within the UN and EU frameworks with a great deal of politics and lobbying. Both of these have, to an extent been imagined and modelled but the transition from the current to the future is still very much in play and is fraught with risk. The lecture will introduce the scope and nature of these risks and their interdependencies.


ISA Visiting Fellow - Emlyn Witt

TalTech University, Estonia

Visit Prof. Witt's web page

PhD students and researchers who are interested may request an attendance certificate by writing to segreteria.isa@unibo.it specifying their birthplace and date of birth.

The delivery of the attendance certificate requires the attendance of at least 70% of the lecture.