Monsoon Stories From Desert Trees

Lecture by Soumaya Belmecheri, University of Arizona, USA

  • Date: 21 SEPTEMBER 2021  from 17:30 to 19:30

  • Event location: Sala Rossa, Via Marsala, 26 Bologna - In presence and online event

  • Type: Lectures

The Southwest region of the United States is affected by the North American Monsoon (NAM). The annual precipitation is divided into two periods, a cool-season component where precipitation is associated with frontal circulations off the northern Pacific, and a warm season component where surges of moisture enter the region from the south, associated with the NAM forming convective thunderstorms. A hot and hyper-arid period from April to June consistently separates these two moisture sources, with low relative humidity. During this hyper-arid period, temperate tree species (e.g., Pinus ponderosa, Pseudotsuga menziesii, etc.) growing at high elevations (called Sky Islands ~2000-2600 m a.s.l) experience great moisture stress from high atmospheric water demand. Consequently, the amount of soil moisture derived from cool-season precipitation is very important for tree functioning and growth. The ecophysiological responses of these trees to moisture seasonal changes over time and across a latitudinal gradient within the NAM domain were evaluated using a network of tree ring chronologies. A pluri-disciplinary approach combining highly resolved stable isotopes analyses of Oxygen and Carbon , xylogenesis, wood anatomy and process-based modeling allowed the understanding the extent to which these forests supplement winter moisture with summer monsoon moisture to drive their productivity.

If you prefer to attend this lecture in presence, you should write to within September 15th, 12 p.m. and book your place. The places will be assigned on “first come first served” basis.

As per the Decree-Law number 111, issued on the 6th of August 2021, in order to attend lectures in presence you must have a COVID-19 Green Pass and show it on the premises.

Short biography

I have a diverse research background in Earth system processes, the global carbon cycle and atmospheric circulation, and how they influence human and biological systems over long time scales. I am a paleoclimatologist with expertise in stable isotopes, hydroclimatology, and dendrochronology. I develop reconstructions of past climate and environmental variability to understand the range of natural climate variability and assess the impact of climate change on forested ecosystems.