Lecture by Sandro Vaienti, University of Toulon, France
Date: 19 JANUARY 2021 from 17:30 to 19:00
Event location: Online event
Type: Lectures
The climate phenomena can be modeled through the evolution of deterministic and stochastic dynamical systems.
In the last case, the appearance of the rare and extreme events is formalized by a mathematical theory that is rigorous but also suitable for remarkable applications to real data or numerical simulations. We shall show as the Theory of Extremal Values allows to point out relevant information on the statistical features of recurrences from the temporal series on climate events and the geomatrical structure of the stationary states.
Concrete applications will be given for the atmospheric circulation over the North Atlantic. Data taken from several years will show patterns confirming our statistical approach to the underlying dynamical evolutions of the macroscopic systems.
Short bio
Prof. S. Vaienti graduated in Bologna in 1987 and he got a postdoctoral fellowship at the Center of Theoretical Physics in Marseille (CPT). After three years there and one year as visiting professor at USC (Los Angeles), he became professor in mathematics at the University of Toulon in 1993. He is now Professeur de classe exceptionnelle 2ème échelon , which is the highest level in French universities and he is a researcher at the CPT. S Vaienti took several responsibilities in the administration of research at local level (Director of a Federation of Mathematical Institutes in Marseille, FRUMAM; Vice Director of CPT), and
at a national level (CNRS and National University Council). From 2017 to December 2018, he was elected President of the Interdisciplinary Committee CID51 of the French CNRS (Modélisation, et analyse des données et des systèmes biologiques: approches informatiques, mathématiques et physique). Moreover, for several years I was responsible of the Ergodic Theory Group at CPT. Since 1996 he holds the PEDR, (Prime prime d’encadrement doctoral et de recherche), which it is a grant given by the
University for high standard research and supervision of PhD students. He got several grants, a few of them are quoted below.
- ANR Grant from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), Project PERTURBATIONS, for four years : 2011-2014, principal investigator.
- Délegations from CNRS: from February 2012 and for six months: UMI 2807-CMM, Center for Mathematical Modeling, University of Santiago, Chili. From February 2019 and for 6 months : UMI 3483, Laboratory Fibonacci, Pise. Renewed for 6 months in February 2020 at FRUMAM (Marseille).
- Australian SMRI : six weeks in 2020 to visit three Australian universities (USW, Sydney and Brisbane), in the framework of the SMRI International Visitor Program.
-CONYCIT Four months Fellowship to work at the University of Valparaiso Chili (2014- 2016) under a CONYCIT contract.
-MATH-AmSud Two years grant MATH-AmSud between France and South-America (Chili, Uruguay), for the years 2016-2017, Director of the project. — Member of the Board of the Laboratoire International Associé LIA LYSM Laboratoire Ypatia des Sciences Mathématiques between France and Italy.
-PICS Grant from the CNRS for the Program PICS Projet International de Coopération Scientifique, for three years 2012-2014 with the University of Houston.
The visit of Sandro Vaienti is organised in collaboration with Armando Bazzani from the Department of Physics and Astronomy “Augusto Righi”.