Education First: Bridging the Gaps in Law, Policy, and Governance

Lecture by Jan De Groof, Extraordinary professor at the Edu-HRight Research Unit of North West University (South Africa) and Professor at the College of Europe (Belgium)

  • Date: 17 JUNE 2024  from 17:30 to 19:00

  • Event location: Sala Rossa, Palazzo Marchesini, Via Marsala, 26 - Bologna - In presence and online event

  • Type: Lectures

In an era where education is universally acknowledged as a fundamental driver of societal progress, the interplay between education, law, policy, and governance becomes critically important. This lecture explores the inherent challenges and opportunities that arise when educational advancements outpace the development and implementation of supportive legal and policy frameworks.


Prof. Jan De Groof

Jan De Groof has dedicated his distinguished academic and professional career to the fields of education law and rights, education policy and governance, international and European law, constitutional law, and the legal frameworks of religion, culture, media, and ethics.

His academic tenure includes professorships at the University of Tilburg (The Netherlands), Ghent University, and Antwerp University (Belgium), alongside visiting professorships in over eleven countries.

Professor De Groof has been a pivotal figure in international education, serving as a member of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine and co-chairing the Task Force for Innovation and Research for Africa under the African Union. As the founder and chairman of the European Association for Education Law and Policy, he has profoundly influenced global education governance frameworks.

He has provided expert advice and consultancy to numerous international organizations, including UNESCO, OECD, the Council of Europe, and the World Bank. His contributions have been crucial in drafting educational policies and legislation in countries such as South Africa, Russia, and various Eastern European nations. Furthermore, he has led numerous international missions and projects to promote education rights and governance worldwide.

A prolific author, Professor De Groof has over 300 publications on education law, governance, and policy, including books, chapters, and articles in leading academic journals. He has delivered lectures and keynote addresses at prestigious institutions and international conferences, underscoring his commitment to advancing global educational opportunities and standards.