Contested Leisure-scapes of Planetary Urbanisation: Articulating “Healthy City” Infrastructures, Sustainable Urban Visions, and their Margins

Articulating “Healthy City” Infrastructures, Sustainable Urban Visions, and their Margins

  • Date: 03 DECEMBER 2024  from 17:30 to 19:00

  • Event location: Sala Rossa, Palazzo Marchesini, Via Marsala, 26 - Bologna - In presence and online event

  • Type: Lectures

Amid an increasing policy focus on creating “smart”, “sustainable” and “healthy” cities, from the start of the 21st century the creation of multi-purpose “urban hubs” where leisure, physical activities, cultural, economic, and social practices can mix and reinforce each other has gained increasing policy purchase among urban leaderships. As exemplified by the (in)famous New York High-Line, these processes assume the simultaneous transformation of the built environment and urban dwellers’ quality-of-life, through the renovation of buildings, entire areas (post-industrial districts, seafronts) or other urban infrastructures (freeways/rail lines turned into urban parks). While a focus on developing sustainable and healthy leisure-scapes has often been framed as a symbol for the creation of desirable urban lives and futures, critiques have pointed to the inequalities that these urban scenarios fail to address or reproduce. This seminar draws on multi-sited research in Italy (Turin), Britain (Bournemouth/Christchurch/Poole coastal conurbation) and Brazil (Sao Paulo). From these different, yet connected sites of planetary urbanization, the lecture will discuss how using “different cities to pose questions of one another” (Ward, 2010, 480) can facilitate innovative collaborations and responses to urban challenges (sustainability, exacerbating inequalities) that manifest differently across urban contexts but require creative and trans-local lenses and collaborations.


ISA Visiting Fellow - Nicola De Martini Ugolotti

Bournemouth University Business School, United Kingdom

Visit Prof. De Martini Ugolotti's web page

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