Color Corrections

Possibilities of color in architecture today

  • Date: 16 DECEMBER 2024  from 17:30 to 19:00

  • Event location: Sala Rossa, Palazzo Marchesini, Via Marsala, 26 - Bologna - In presence and online event

  • Type: Lectures

Color is everywhere. Seemingly self-evident and uncomplicated color is one of the most accessible elements of any visual language. And because of its ubiquitous nature, color reveals the visual aesthetics of the Zeitgeist. Today color is emissive, viral, expressive, engaged, and ecological. In this digital age where there is no such thing as one clear image or one correct viewpoint, color is nimble enough to broaden meaning. Color has indexed everything from the feminine, cosmetic and vulgar to the pure, intrinsic and embodied. Attitudes to color are constantly shifting. They have played a central role in the history of architecture: from the polychromy of the ancients to the great white interiors of high modernism; the figurative flourishes of postmodernism to the embodied sublime of contemporary building systems and facades. In contemporary architecture, color has emerged as a powerful mode of working and an impactful political proposition. The second digital age has ushered paradigmatic shifts in how architects engage it. Employing the full spectrum of color requires a projective mode of action – one that anticipates nascent futures. It aids in the democratization of visual culture, opening the field to enable a multiplicity of identities by introducing new references and embracing new voices. Color Correction is a lecture on the possibilities of color in architecture today. The lecture revolves around a book “Full Spectrum: Colour in Contemporary Architecture” (RIBA2023)


ISA Visiting Fellow - Elena Manferdini

Graduate Programs Chair - Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc)

Visit Prof. Manferdini's web page

PhD students and researchers who are interested may request an attendance certificate by writing to specifying their birthplace and date of birth.

The delivery of the attendance certificate requires the attendance of at least 70% of the lecture.