Balogh, Katalin & Salaets, Heidi (eds) (2015) Children and justice: overcoming language barriers. Cooperation in interpreter-mediated questioning of minors. Antwerpen et. al.: Intersentia


The book can be downloaded from the “Highlights” section. It contains a wealth of information obtained by over 600 respondents to the questionnaire.

Other project-related publications:

Amato, Amalia & Mack, Gabriele (2017) Interpreters working with children in Italy. Profile, role and expectations, in inTRAlinea 19 <>

Böser, Ursula & La Rooy, David (2018) Interpreter-mediated investigative interviews with minors: setting the ground rules, in Translation and Interpreting Studies 13:2, 208-229

Böser, U. & La Rooy, D. & Wilson, C. (2014) Obtaining interpreter-mediated evidence from children in legal contexts, in Scottish Institute for Policing Research Annual Report 2013, 34-35 <>

Salaets, Heidi & Balogh, Katalin (2015) CO-MinorIN/QUEST: Improving interpreter-mediated pre-trial interviews with minors, in Trans 19:1, 057-67 <>

Salaets, Heidi & Katalin Balogh (2017) Participants’ and interpreters’ perception of the interpreter’s role in interpreter-mediated investigative interviews of minors: Belgium and Italy as a case, in Valero & Tipton (eds), 151-178