GAMHer (GEOMATICS DATA ACQUISITION AND MANAGEMENT FOR LANDSCAPE AND BUILT HERITAGE IN A EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE), winner of the PRIN2015 call for Italian Research Project of National Interest, is a collaborative project that aims at exploiting and validating Geomatics algorithms, methodologies and procedures in the framework of new European regulations, which require a more extensive and productive use of digital information, as requested by the Digital Agenda for Europe as one of the seven pillars of the Europe 2020 Strategy. The primary interest on the built heritage, with an enphasis on Cultural Heritage and on the territorial and environmental context. Starting from point clouds, and through the use of GIS systems, BIM technology and 3D modeling, different LoD (level of detail) will be obtained for the geometrical description of the entities and in associated information, useful for promoting the innovation and the collaboration between users. The outcomes of GAMHer are not intended to be used only by a community of Geomatics specialists, but also by a heterogeneous user community that exploit images and laser scans in their professional activities. GAMHer is composed by three Working Packages: WP1 - Application in maintenance, conservation and enhancement; WP2 - Sharing digital geospatial data on Heritage; WP3 - Towards best technological practices and quality certification. The research project is coordinated by the University of Bologna and includes 5 Operating Units: Politecnico di Milano, Politecnico di Torino, University IUAV of Venezia, University of Firenze, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio.