Overview of the recruitment process, training modules, and the program's focus on cultivating expertise in the diverse realms of Data Science.
Please note that the attached file represents the result of Step 3 of the evaluation. As stated in the Call for Application, the final list of successful candidates, complete with the allocation of the individual Doctoral Positions, will be published starting from September 24, 2024.
Please note that the attached file represents the result of Step 3 of the evaluation. As stated in the Call for Application, the final list of successful candidates, complete with the allocation of the individual Doctoral Positions, will be published starting from September 24, 2024.
Please note that the attached file represents the result of Step 3 of the evaluation. As stated in the Call for Application, the final list of successful candidates, complete with the allocation of the individual Doctoral Positions, will be published starting from September 24, 2024.
Please note that the attached file represents the result of Step 3 of the evaluation. As stated in the Call for Application, the final list of successful candidates, complete with the allocation of the individual Doctoral Positions, will be published starting from September 24, 2024.
Please note that the attached file represents the result of Step 3 of the evaluation. As stated in the Call for Application, the final list of successful candidates, complete with the allocation of the individual Doctoral Positions, will be published starting from September 24, 2024.
Please note that the attached file represents the result of Step 3 of the evaluation. As stated in the Call for Application, the final list of successful candidates, complete with the allocation of the individual Doctoral Positions, will be published starting from September 24, 2024.
The Evaluation Committees are completing Step 2 – Document Evaluation and the results will be published shortly at “FutureData4EU” website.
Candidates are hereby notified that those admitted to Step 3 – Interview will be convoke starting from July 23rd 2024.
As stated in the Call for Application, the interviews will be held via the Microsoft Teams platform.
Below you will find the starting dates of the interviews for each Thematic Areas:
The interview schedules will be published on the website “FutureData4EU”.
If you have specific request concerning the schedule of your interview, contact the email below up to July 22nd, 2024:
As stated in the Call for Applications, the results of Step 3 - Interview will be published starting from September 2024.
Please note that due to a clerical error, the title of the 2 doctoral positions offered by the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (UCSC) within the Thematic Area “Food, Bioeconomy, Natural resources, Agriculture and Environment” are revised as follows:
- the correct title of the doctoral position originally entitled: “Mapping consumers’ trends and boosting sustainable food choices” is “Monitoring of the eco-physiological response of crops to agrophotovoltaic conditions”;
- the correct title of the doctoral position originally entitled: “Smart Analysis of Agricultural IoT Data” is “A systems biology approach to understand the mechanisms underlying heat stress resilience in dairy cows”.
The descriptions of the two doctoral positions remain unchanged. For further information please contact cofund@unibo.it.
Official version of the FutureData4EU Call for Application
Courtesy Translation of the FutureData4EU Call for Application
Registration event "Unlocking the Future of Big Data" to present the FutureData4EU Project and to launch the Call for Application
The fully funded FutureData4EU program is aimed at ambitious graduates and researchers eager to acquire advanced skills in the field of data science and big data application. Motivated candidates from diverse disciplines are invited to participate to receive multidisciplinary, international and cross-sectoral training.
Eligibility of applicants. The overall approach of Marie Curie (MSCA) FutureData4EU is to keep the call as inclusive as possible, in order to attract as many talented candidates as conceivable. The essential requirements to have at the call closure will be:
- Research Experience for doctoral candidates: at the deadline of the programme's call, the DC will have to hold a degree entitling him/her to be enrolled in a doctoral programme (a master degree or equivalent); not having been awarded with a doctoral degree. The candidates must have a good knowledge of written and spoken English.
- Mobility reuirements: candidates may not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Italy for more than 1 years in the 3 years immediately before the programme's call closure.
Participating in FutureData4EU provides the opportunity to be trained as experts in data science, with a broad and cross-cutting view of modern societal challenges. Candidates will have the opportunity to collaborate with high-level universities and research centers, as well as industrial players and regional institutions, to develop innovative solutions and promote the development of research and industry in the region.
The job market demands data scientists and experts proficient in Data Science. FutureData4EU offers comprehensive Big Data training across various PhD courses, aligning with industrial priorities and societal trends identified in Horizon Europe. It enhances existing doctoral programs, providing international, interdisciplinary research training and opportunities for transnational mobility.
FutureData4EU provides integrated training in different countries and languages, fostering exposure to interdisciplinary research through regional collaboration. Despite enrollment in diverse PhD courses, candidates benefit from fully integrated training in computer sciences, data analytics, and high-performance computing. This equips them with versatile skills applicable across multiple research domains, positioning FutureData4EU as a pioneering hub for Big Data research in the European Research Area.
FutureData4EU offers the opportunity to be involved in advanced research projects in the field of big data analysis, modeling, and engineering, supercomputing, and big data. Candidates will have access to an innovative combination of subject specialization and multidisciplinary approach, including a broad understanding of societal and industrial challenges.
The project will run for five years and will recruit 53 candidates through an international call for applications, of which 21 will be assigned to University of Bologna, 9 each to University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, University of Parma and University of Ferrara, 3 to the Piacenza Territorial Pole of Politecnico di Milano and 2 to the Piacenza Campus of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.
The program will enhance existing PhD courses in the Emilia-Romagna region, offering comprehensive training, research opportunities, and interdisciplinary skills development in Data Science. Doctoral students will delve into the multifaceted aspects of Big Data application, including cultural, organizational, environmental, technological, and political dimensions.
Successful candidates will enroll in university doctoral programs and receive a research fellowship (“assegno di ricerca”).
The annual salary paid to researchers is of €27,238.83 (gross salary excluding employer’s contributions to tax and social security). This annual amount consists of a living allowance and a mobility allowance, which covers mobility expenses (e.g. relocation, travel expenses).
FutureData4EU will develop an innovative e-learning tool for students and academic staff: within the FutureData4EU network, University of Bologna and the other involved universities have provided a wide hub of chances for online learning, blended learning and virtual mobility.
Each doctoral student will be enrolled in a PhD programme at the recruiting universities, and will have a customized CDP expressing a creative & entrepreneurial mind-set, addressing the major global challenges and building a leading knowledge economy for Europe and worldwide.
The essential transferable knowledge & skills are four:
- knowledge and intellectual talents;
- personal efficiency and professional behaviour;
- research management;
- engagement and impact.
The FutureData4EU programme will contribute to boost career opportunities for each DC enrolled beyond the academic framework and within an international context and with intersectoral approach (new digital profession profiles such as AI specialist, Cloud Engineer or IOT specialist will be considered in defining advanced scientific skills).
Leave your e-mail and we will update you on the release of the call and project information.