Use your vote or others will decide for you

Voting in the European elections is your opportunity to decide what the EU should focus on in the next five years.

Use your vote

Today, democracy may seem taken for the European Union. But it was not always so.

Not so long ago, millions of Europeans could not vote or speak freely. They could risk their lives simply because they were different, because they had different ideas or because they wanted a different life.

Democracy is a precious gift that was passed on to us by previous generations. Democracy was their aspiration and they fought for it. Now it is up to us to maintain it, strengthen it and pass it on to future generations.

The most effective way to do this is to vote, because the more people vote, the more democracy is strengthened.

On 8 and 9 June 2024, use your vote or others will decide for you.

Use your vote. Or others will decide for you. European elections, 8-9 June 2024

Previous generations fought for democracy. Now it is up to our generation to defend it. Use your vote in the European elections, don't let others decide for you. #UseYourVote

What is important to you?

Many young people have already contributed to defining what the future of Europe will look like by sharing their ideas on a number of key issues, such as  

  • climate change and the environment   
  • culture and media  
  • democracy   
  • education  
  • sport  
  • human rights  

and many others 

You can also contribute by commenting or reporting on initiatives that affect your region or city, projects or good practices to share. 

At EYE Forlì you will be able to discuss the most topical issues together with other young people from all over Europe.