
Discover details about booking activities at EYE Forlì, language options, availability, age suitability, and information about featured speakers.

15. When and where can I book the activities I want to take part in?

You can book the activities you intend to participate in by following this link, until 15 May. However, it will also be possible to register on site and subject to availability.


16. In what languages will the activities take place?

Most activities will only be available in Italian. Some activities will be in English only, others in both English and Italian. More information on languages is available in the programme: check the activity descriptions!


17. The activities I wanted to attend are fully booked, can I still join them?

Don’t worry! There are many nice activities in the EYE programme, so if the ones you wanted to attend are fully booked, look for other options. There are also many activities that don’t require prior registration, such as drop in activities, stands, and artistic performances.
At the EYE, you can also pass by the activities that are fully booked, to see if there’s still any space in the room. If some of the participants that booked the activity don’t show up until the moment it’s about to start, you could have their place in the room.


18. I arrived late for my activity, can I still join?

If you booked an activity but arrive late to the room, you can still join if there is still space. Once the activity starts, other participants that didn’t book the activity but are interested in joining and arrive on time can be let in, so you will have to check if there’s still space!


19. Are there activities for specific age ranges?

No, but in selecting activities it is best to pay attention to their description and the format. The description will give you an indication of the level at which a topic will be discussed. The format will tell you whether the activity is a workshop, a sports activity, an artistic activity, a debate or simulation, a talk. All formats have different levels of interaction.


20. Who will be the speakers at EYE Forlì?

The EYE will invite mostly young, inspiring thinkers, political decision-makers and key figures from the fields of business, research, culture and civil society. Stay tuned to our programme page for more details.