By 'Giosef Italy'
Date: 19 MAY 2024 from 13:30 to 15:00
Event location: LABORATORIO APERTO DI FORLÌ - EX-ASILO SANTARELLI - Room 1, Via Caterina Sforza 45
Type: Election track
EU Ele-Action is an initiative supported by the European Commission, aimed at educating young people about the voting mechanisms for the European elections and emphasising the importance of their electoral participation. The outcome of this project was the creation of a manifesto that addresses young people by outlining our vision of voting. The manifesto is ready to be shared, with an essential message: we are not going to tell you who to vote for, but we want to explain why it is crucial that you vote.
Room 1, Laboratorio aperto di Forlì - Ex Asilo Santarelli, Via Caterina Sforza 45 - Forlì