Conference presentation
The Royal Geographical Society (with IBG), London, UK
Paper presentation: "Mapping refugee reception in the European Union: law, space, time and materiality"
Conference presentation
Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Paper presentation: "Extractive Warehousing: Carceral Economies of Containment in the Greek Islands"
Conference presentation
Hawaii Convention Center, Honolulu, HI, USA
Paper presentation: "Extractive Warehousing: Carceral Economies of Containment in the Greek Islands"
Conference presentation
Castello del Valentino, Turin, Italy
Paper presentation: "For a critical legal geographical approach to refugee reception: space, time, and materiality"
Conference presentation
Dept. of Philosophy and Communication Studies, via Azzo Gardino 23 — Bologna
Paper presentation: "Reception systems as infrastructures: Profiting from the objectification of asylum seekers"