Laura's Interview


Name: Laura

Surname: Vinas

Nationality: Spanish

Age: 22

General Information

Sending University and followed year: Universidad de Zaragoza, 5th year

Erasmus + Period:  September-July 2018/19



1. Why did you decide to do an Erasmus Experience and to come to our University?

I decided to do an Erasmus because firstly, I wanted to live in another country and know another culture, then also because it is a way to know a lot of people from other countries and also to grow up yourself.


Offices and bureaucracy


1. Did you have any problem with the bureaucracy, to communicate with our Erasmus Offices, to have the information that you needed about our University and our available courses? Did you have the right support from your Erasmus coordinator and professor?



2. Evaluate with a number from 1 to 10 the quality and the efficiency of our Erasmus Offices during the process: 


3. Was it easy to choose the courses to follow in our University and to write the Learning Agreement ?



*In case of negative evaluation give some suggestions to solve the problems for the future Erasmus students:



1. Where did you decide to live? In Ozzano or in Bologna? Why?

In Bologna as it’s a city with a lot of students from other degrees, countries … and let you know more people and more activities to do than living in Ozzano.

2. Was it difficult for you to find accommodation?



*In case of negative evaluation give some suggestions to solve the problems for the future Erasmus students: 





First days and Welcome


1. Was it easy to gain confidence with the transportation, with the city and with the structure of our University ? 

Just a bit


2. Did you feel welcomed from our students, professors and the citizens? 



3. Did you attend the Welcome day? 



4. Did you have any considerable first impression (positive or negative) different from your country,your university and the way to live of your country’s citizens ? 

I had a very good first impression, the way to live it’s not that different from spain, the way how university works it’s a bit different and at the beginning was a bit overwhelming but finally you get used to that.

*In case of negative evaluation give some suggestions to solve the problems for the future Erasmus students:



Evaluation of university, courses and language difficulties

1. Was it difficult for you to follow the practices, considering language and timetable?

At the beginning it was difficult, the lectures were long and as we weren’t very familiar with the language we had to make a great effort. I had some problems like having two lectures at the same time so you have to choose. Then I also had to do 3 internships, 2 of them took everyday from 8 to 20 then during those months it was impossible to attend the lectures.

2. Did you receive the help that you needed from the students, the professors and the student’s associations (IVSA/OMNIA/ESN)?

From the associations yes. From students and professors it depends. There are some students very nice that they really helped me, shared notes, and made me feel part of them; on the other hand there are some that just didn’t make any effort to help me. Also some professors made things very easy knowing that is not our language and helping a lot, but others didn’t. For example, I had to take an exam that it was 3 parts, I took 2 on May and 1 on June, but if I failed one on May I could have retaken on June, I didn’t know the grade until one day before the June exam; and although I sent some emails I didn’t get an answer, at the end it went well but I don’t think this is a nice way and moreover if it’s a student from an other country that has to leave soon. 


Free time and Fun


1. Did you have time to visit Bologna and other places around it? If yes, which one? 

Yes, I visited Bologna, Modena, Ferrara, Padova, Venezia, Milano, Napoli, Lecce, Ancona

2. Did you do some party or chill event in Bologna or with our associations (Omnia/IVSA / ESN) ?Did you enjoy it?

Yes i did

3. Did you visit some museum/ art expositions? Did you enjoy a cultural event? Did you do some excursion trips? 



Cost Consideration

1. Compared with your country, was the life here more or less expensive (Accommodation, daily life, transportation)? Did you receive some help contribute from your university/country? Was it enough to live here?

More expensive, yes i received the erasmus grant, but it’s absolutely not enough to live here.


*In case of negative evaluation give some suggestions to solve the problems for the future Erasmus students:



1. At the end of this experience, are you in general satisfied to have chosen this university?Would you suggest to someone else this University ?

Yes I am very satisfied, I would suggest it to someone else


2. Do you think did you do everything that you wanted to do? Do you have any regrets? 


3. Has this experience opened your mind and have it taught to you something new to your way of thinking ?If yes, what? 

Yes, this experience makes you know a lot of people, different ways to think, to live… and also at university you have to get used to something you’re not used, something out of your comfort zone so you have to make an effort and I think that this open your mind and somehow you grow up.

4. Did you learn something new, positive or negative, about Italy, Italian people and Italian students and professors ? 

Yes, for sure

5. If you want, tell me three best moments that will always be in your memory: 

  • all the trips I’ve made
  • all the moments with very good friends I made
  • how good I’ve eaten


Date: Bologna, 23/07/19