Cristian's Interview

Name: Cristian

Surname: Ionică

Nationality: Romanian

Age: 23

General Information

Sending University and followed year: Bucharest Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, fifth year

Erasmus + Period: 07.09.2018-24.02.2019


1. Why did you decide to do an Erasmus Experience and to come to our University?

I wanted to experience the learning process of another country, to get to have another perspective upon life from its inhabitants and to grow professionally as well as personally. As for the choice of the university, I think Bologna was the best option for me because it is a good educational center and the language was more accessible.

Offices and bureaucracy

1. Did you have any problem with the bureaucracy, to communicate with our Erasmus Offices, to have the information that you needed about our University and our available courses? Did you have the right support from your Erasmus coordinator and professor?

Everything was easy to find on the site of the faculty before coming to the university and afterward it became even easier because we had not only the support of the Erasmus Offices but also lot of help from the student association, colleagues and professors.

2. Evaluate with a number from 1 to 10 the quality and the efficiency of our Erasmus Offices during the process:  

3. Was it easy to choose the courses to follow in our University and to write the Learning Agreement ?


1. Where did you decide to live? In Ozzano or in Bologna? Why?

I decided to live in Ozzano because it was closer to the faculty. Student interactions in Ozzano were little to inexistent and that is a little drawback from the student experience that Erasmus offers. On the other hand, regarding the fact that I had tirocinio for about 3 months plus all the courses that I had to attend to, living in Ozzano was a choice I’ll not regret.

2. Was it difficult for you to find accommodation?


*In case of negative evaluation give some suggestions to solve the problems for the future Erasmus students: 

 An advice for the Eramus Office would be to put the future incoming Eramus students in touch with students from the faculty for a easier way of finding accommodation.


First days and Welcome

1. Was it easy to gain confidence with the transportation, with the city and with the structure of our University ? 

Yes. The Erasmus Welcome Day was helpful for getting to know better the faculty.

2. Did you feel welcomed fromour students, professors andthe citizens? 


3. Did you attend the Welcome day? 


4. Did you have any considerable first impression (positive or negative) different from your country,youruniversity and the way to live of your country’s citizens ? 

The people in Italy, the citizens and students, seemed more relaxed than the people in my country or at least that’s how it seemed to me.

Evaluation of university, courses and language difficulties

1. Was it difficult for you to follow the practices, considering language and timetable?

It was hard for me to attend all the classes because some of them were overlapped. The language did raised some trouble at the beginning in some classes but it soon became easier to understand everything I was told and also to participate during classes.

2. Did you receive the help that you needed from students professors and student’s associations (IVSA/OMNIA/ESN) ?


Free time and Fun

1. Did you have time to visit Bologna and other places around it? If yes, which one? 

Yes. Bologna, Firenze, La Spezia, Cinque Terre, Ferrara, Venezia.

2. Did you do some party or chill event in Bologna or with our associations (Omnia/IVSA / ESN) ?Did you enjoy it?


3. Did you visit some museum/ art expositions? Did you enjoy a cultural event? Did you do some excursion trip? 

Yes, i visited some museums.


Cost Consideration

1. Compared with your country, was the life here more or less expensive (Accommodation, daily life, transportation)? Did you receive some help contribute from your university/country? Was it enough to live here?

I received a scholarship from my university which helped me a lot. The accommodation and transport is way expensive compared to my country. The daily life expenses were almost the same as in my country.


1. At the end of this experience, are you in general satisfied aboutthe choice of this university ?Would you suggest to someone else this University ?

Yes, I am satisfied and I already recommended to other people going to Bologna with Erasmus.

2. Do you think did you do everything that you wanted to do? Do you have any regrets? 

I would have loved to spend more time with the students during cultural events and parties, but I don’t have regrets because I got a really nice Erasmus experience even without those things.

3. Has this experience opened your mind and have it taught to you something new to your way of thinking ?If yes, what? 

Yes, it helped me see the world and the veterinary profession in another way. 

4. Did you learn something new, positive or negative, about Italy, Italian people and Italian students andprofessors ? 

I have learned a lot and mainly they were positive things.

5. If you want, tell me three best moments that will always be in your memory: 

Erasmus Welcome Day 

Professoressa Capitani always greeting me in the hallways by my first name with a smile on her face. 

The times spent with my friend/flatmate, Florin.

Date: Bologna, 26/06/19