Carmen's Review

Name: Carmen García de Alcaraz Villa


Exchange (Erasmus +study/traineeship): Erasmus+ study 2017-2018


Course year/post lauream: 3rd year of Veterinary medicine degree


Degree: Veterinary medicine


Courses, exams, traineeship suggested/not-suggested: it is not necessary to attend Italian language courses for Spanish students as Italian is very easy to learn

Support and welcome: the welcome day was too early (in September 2017) and many students were not yet arrived in Bologna


Language difficulty: none


Accommodation e ease to find it: it was not easy to find an accommodation in bologna; there are many students and not so many flats. Sometimes the owners did not answered the request.


Transports: bus from and to Ozzano are not so frequent and not present in the evening


Integration with Italian students: almost nice



Evaluation of courses and practices: pathology subject was quite good; there were many practices that helped to study (other subjects have less). Regarding infectious disease, the subject seems incomplete as they teach few disease; even if less important, I think that all the diseases should be presented.



PRO good experience for the professional and personal life.