Alejandro's Interview




Nationality: Spanish

Age: 22

General Information

Sending University and followed year: UNIVERSITY OF ZARAGOZA, 2018-2019 Erasmus + Period:  September-July 2018/19



1. Why did you decide to do an Erasmus Experience and to come to our University?

I decided to do an Erasmus exchange because it is a great way to travel and meeting other people. Moreover, it is a way to learn another language, Italian in this case.


Offices and bureaucracy


1. Did you have any problem with the bureaucracy, to communicate with our Erasmus Offices, to have the information that you needed about our University and our available courses? Did you have the right support from your Erasmus coordinator and professor?

I had a lot of problems with bureaucracy and they didn’t clear me the things.


2. Evaluate with a number from 1 to 10 the quality and the efficiency of our Erasmus Offices during the process: 


3. Was it easy to choose the courses to follow in our University and to write the Learning Agreement ?

Not so easy and my Spanish coordinator didn’t help me.


*In case of negative evaluation give some suggestions to solve the problems for the future Erasmus students:


Putting coordinators that really know the university. Putting the internacional secretary’s schedule longer.



1. Where did you decide to live? In Ozzano or in Bologna? Why?

I decided to live in Ozzano because of the prizes of the appartments and the disponibility of the rooms

2. Was it difficult for you to find accommodation?

Yes, a lot



*In case of negative evaluation give some suggestions to solve the problems for the future Erasmus students: 

Giving some help to the students. Book some rooms for them






First days and Welcome


1. Was it easy to gain confidence with the transportation, with the city and with the structure of our University ? 

Yes, it was very easy because the transportation is very simple, in the city you can find anything.


2. Did you feel welcomed from our students, professors and the citizens? 

I felt welcome from the students and the majority of professors but not everyone.


3. Did you attend the Welcome day? 



4. Did you have any considerable first impression (positive or negative) different from your country,your university and the way to live of your country’s citizens ? 

Yes, the positive points is that the people is more concerned about animal welfare.

On the other hand, the negative points are the education. Italian people are more sexist and racist than Spanish people.


*In case of negative evaluation give some suggestions to solve the problems for the future Erasmus students:

Educate Italian people (?)



Evaluation of university, courses and language difficulties

1. Was it difficult for you to follow the practices, considering language and timetable?

Yes. Always there are two or more subjects that coincide at the same hour, so you aren’t able to follow all of them. However, The language and the majority of professors make the lessons understandable.


2. Did you receive the help that you needed from the students, the professors and the student’s associations (IVSA/OMNIA/ESN)?




Free time and Fun


1. Did you have time to visit Bologna and other places around it? If yes, which one? 

Yes, I have had a lot of time to visit the entire city a couple times

2. Did you do some party or chill event in Bologna or with our associations (Omnia/IVSA / ESN) ?Did you enjoy it?

Si, sono riuscito a andare alle feste del Omnia e anche a alcuni viaggi e feste della esn.

3. Did you visit some museum/ art expositions? Did you enjoy a cultural event? Did you do some excursion trips? 



Cost Consideration

1. Compared with your country, was the life here more or less expensive (Accommodation, daily life, transportation)? Did you receive some help contribute from your university/country? Was it enough to live here?

The life here is much more expensive, without doubts in all the topics. I have received a contribution but it is not enough


*In case of negative evaluation give some suggestions to solve the problems for the future Erasmus students:

More help with food in university. A free or cheap transport card Bologna-Ozzano



1. At the end of this experience, are you in general satisfied to have chosen this university?Would you suggest to someone else this University ?

The experience was good, but not good enough.

2. Do you think did you do everything that you wanted to do? Do you have any regrets? 

I have all I wanted to do. No regrets

3. Has this experience opened your mind and have it taught to you something new to your way of thinking ?If yes, what? 

Yes, I opened my mind and I learnt Italian

4. Did you learn something new, positive or negative, about Italy, Italian people and Italian students and professors ? 

Yes, I have learnt a lot of Italian culture and Italian people

5. If you want, tell me three best moments that will always be in your memory: 



Date: Bologna, 02/07/19