Selected publications of Professor Vittorio Gallese

Authored and edited books:

  • Gallese, V., Guerra, M. (2019), The empathic screen. Cinema and Neuroscience, Oxford: Oxford University Press (Italian translation: Lo Schermo Empatico. Cinema e Neuroscienze, Milano: Raffaello Cortina Editore, 2015).
  • Ammaniti, M., Gallese, V. (2013), The birth of intersubjectivity: Psychodynamics, Neurobiology, and the Self, London-New York: W. W. Norton & Company (Italian translation: La nascita della intersoggettività. Lo sviluppo del Sé tra Psicodinamica e Neurobiologia, Milano: Raffaello Cortina Editore, 2014).
  • Stamenov, N. I., Gallese, V. eds. (2002), Mirror Neurons and the Evolution of Brain and Language, Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Co

Journal articles and chapters of books:

  • Gallese, V. (2020), Beauty in life: An eye-tracking study on young adults' aesthetic evaluation and vitality judgment of pictorial representations of sleeping and dead subjects, Psych Journal9 (4): 458-471.
  • Gallese, V. (2020), The Embodiment of Images, or Why Neuroscience and the Humanities Should Cooperate. In Beyond Biology and Culture: Cross-disciplinary Reflections on the Universality and Diversity of the Human Mind, ed. Malafouris, L. Pisa: Olschki, 369-382.
  • Farmer, H., Cataldo, A., Adel, N., Wignall, E., Gallese, V., Deroy, O., Hamilton, A., Ciaunica, A. (2020), The detached self: Investigating the effect of depersonalisation on self-bias in the visual remapping of touch, Multisensory Research2020
  • Gallese, V. (2020), Brain, Body, Habit, and the Performative Quality of Aesthetic Experience, In Habits. Pragmatist Approaches From Cognitive Neuroscience To Social Science, eds. Caruana, F., Testa, I. (2020), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 376-394.
  • Ferroni, F., Ardizzi, M., Ferri, F., Tesanovic, A., Langiulli, N., Tonna, M., Marchesi, C., Gallese, V. (2020), Schizotypy and individual differences in peripersonal space plasticity, Neuropsychologia147: 107579,
  • Kaltwasser, L., Rost, N., Ardizzi, M., Calbi, M., Settembrino, L., Fingerhut, J., Pauen, M., Gallese, V. (2019), Sharing the filmic experience. The physiology of socioemotional processes in the cinema, PloS One14 (10): 1-19.
  • Guerra, M., Gallese, V., Umiltà, M. A., Calbi, M. (2019), Embodying the camera: An EEG study on the effects of camera movements on film spectators' sensorimotor cortex activation, PloS One14 (3): 1-18.
  • Gallese, V. (2019), Embodied simulation. Its bearing on aesthetic experience and the dialogue between neuroscience and the humanities, Gestalt Theory41 (2): 113-128.
  • Gallese, V. (2019), The empathic body. Embodied simulation and experimental aesthetics. In Empathy: A neurobiologically based capacity and its cultural and conceptual history, eds. Weigel, S., Lux, V. (2019), New York: Pallgrave McMillan, 181-199.
  • Gallese, V. (2019), A Bodily Take on Aesthetics: Performativity and Embodied Simulation. In The Extended Theory of Cognitive Creativity. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Performativity. Perspectives in Pragmatics, Philosophy & Psychology23 (2019), eds. Pennisi, A., Falzone, A., Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 135-149.
  • Ferroni, F., Ardizzi, M., Sestito, M., Lucarini, V., Daniel, B. D., Paraboschi, F., Tonna, M., Marchesi, C., Gallese, V. (2019), Shared multisensory experience affects Others' boundary: The enfacement illusion in schizophrenia, Schizophrenia Research206: 225-235.
  • Ebisch, Sjoerd J. H., Gallese, V., Salone, A., Martinotti, G., Di Iorio, G., Mantini, D., Perrucci, M. G., Romani, G. L., Di Giannantonio, M., Northoff, G. (2018), Disrupted relationship between "resting state" connectivity and task-evoked activity during social perception in schizophrenia, Schizophrenia Research, 193: 370-376.
  • Gallese, V. (2018), The power of images: A view from the brain-body, Phenomenology and Mind14: 70-79.
  • Gallese, V. (2018), Embodied Resonance, In The Oxford Handbook of 4E Cognition, eds. Newen, A., de Bruin, L., Gallagher, S. (2018), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 417-432.
  • Gallese, V. (2018), Embodied simulation and its role in cognition, Reti, Saperi, Linguaggi5 (1): 31-45.
  • Ardizzi, M., Gallese, V. (2018), Il senso del colore. Tra mondo, corpo e cervello. In L'emozione dei colori nell'arte, eds. Christov-Bakargiev, C., Beccaria, M., Milano: Silvana Editoriale, 22-35.
  • Gallese, V. (2018), Naturalizing aesthetic experience: The role of (liberated) embodied simulation, Projections12 (2): 50-59.
  • Gallese, V., Rochat, M. (2018), Forms of Vitality: Their Neural Bases, Their Role in Social Cognition, and the Case of Autism Spectrum Disorder, Psychoanalytic Inquiry38 (2): 154-164.
  • Cuccio, V., Gallese, V. (2018), A Peircean account of concepts: Grounding abstraction in phylogeny through a comparative neuroscientific perspective, Philosophical Transactions - Royal Society. Biological Sciences373 (1752): 1-10.
  • Gallese, V., Sinigaglia, C. (2018), Embodied Resonance. In The Oxford Handbook of 4E Cognition, eds. Newen, A., de Bruin, L., Gallagher, S. (2018), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 417-432.
  • Calbi, M., Heimann, K., Barratt, D., Siri, F., Umiltà, M. A., Gallese, V. (2017), How context influences our perception of emotional faces: A behavioral study on the Kuleshov effect, Frontiers in Psychology8: 1684,
  • Calbi, M., Angelini, M., Gallese, V., Umiltà, M. A. (2017), "Embodied Body Language": An electrical neuroimaging study with emotional faces and bodies, Scientific Reports7 (1): 6875,
  • Sestito, M., Raballo, A., Stanghellini, G., Gallese, V. (2017), Editorial: Embodying the Self: Neurophysiological Perspectives on the Psychopathology of Anomalous Bodily Experiences, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience11: 631-636.
  • Ambrosecchia, M., Ardizzi, M., Russo, E., Ditaranto, F., Speciale, M., Vinai, P., Todisco, P., Maestro, S., Gallese, V. (2017), Interoception and autonomic correlates during social interactions. Implications for anorexia, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience11: 219-234.
  • Gallese, V. (2017), Neoteny and social cognition: A Neuroscientific Perspective on Embodiment. In Embodiment, Enaction and Culture. Investigating the Constitution of the Shared World, eds. Durt, C., Fuchs, T., Tewes, C. (2017), Boston: MIT Press, 309-322.
  • Candini, M., Farinelli, M., Ferri, F., Avanzi, S., Cevolani, D., Gallese, V., Northoff, G., Frassinetti, F. (2016), Implicit and Explicit Routes to Recognize the Own Body: Evidence from Brain Damaged Patients, Frontiers In Human Neuroscience10 (405): 1-11.
  • Ardizzi, M., Ambrosecchia, M., Buratta, L., Ferri, F., Peciccia, M., Donnari, S., Mazzeschi, C., Gallese, V. (2016), Interoception and positive symptoms in schizophrenia, Frontiers In Human Neuroscience10 (July 2016),
  • Gallese, V., Caruana, F. (2016), Embodied simulation: Beyond the expression/experience dualism of emotions, Trends in Cognitive Science20 (6): 397-398.
  • Gallese, V. (2016), Finding the body in the brain. From Simulation Theory to Embodied Simulation. In Alvin Goldman and his Critics, eds. Kornblith, H., McLaughlin, B. (2016), New York: John Wiley & Sons, 297-317.
  • Jezzini, A., Rozzi, S., Borra, E., Gallese, V., Caruana, F., Gerbella, M. (2015), A shared neural network for emotional expression and perception: an anatomical study in the macaque monkey, Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience9: 243: 1-12.
  • Gallese, V., Cuccio, V. (2015), The paradigmatic body. Embodied simulation, intersubjectivity and the bodily self. In Open Mind, eds. Metzinger T., Windt J. M. (2015), Frankfurt am Main: Mind Group
  • Gallese, V., Gattara, A. (2015), Embodied simulation, Aesthetics and Architecture: An experimental aesthetic approach. In Mind in Architecture: Neuroscience, Embodiment and the Future of Design, eds. Robinson S., Pallasmaa J. (2015), Boston: MIT Press, 161-179.
  • Uithol, S., Gallese, V. (2015), The role of the body in social cognition, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. Cognitive Science6 (5): 453-460.
  • Gallese, V., Guerra, M. (2015), Corpo a corpo: la simulazione incarnata e la naturalizzazione dell’esperienza filmica. In Filmagogia. Nuovi orizzonti dei saperi, eds. Guerrini Verga, L., Papi, A. (2015), Torino: UTET, 97-114.
  • Gallese, V., Guerra, M. (2015), The Feeling of Motion: Camera Movements and Motor Cognition, Cinema & Cie22-23: 103-112.
  • Sestito, M., Raballo, A., Umiltà, M. A., Amore, M., Maggini, C., Gallese, V. (2015), Anomalous Echo: Exploring abnormal experience correlates of emotional motor resonance in Schizophrenia Spectrum, Psychiatry Research229 (1-2): 559-564.
  • Sestito, M., Raballo, A., Umiltà, M. A., Leuci, E., Tonna, M., Fortunati, R., De Paola, G., Amore, M., Maggini, C., Gallese, V. (2015), Mirroring the self: testing neurophysiological correlates of disturbed self-experience in schizophrenia spectrum, Psychopathology48 (3): 184-191.
  • Francesca, F., Costantini, M., Salone, A., Sjoerd, E., De Berardis, D., Mazzola, V., Arciero, G., Ferro, F. M., Di Giannantonio, M., Romani, G. L., Gallese, V. (2014), Binding action and emotion in first-episode schizophrenia, Psychopathology47 (6): 394-407.
  • Gallese, V. (2014), Neuroscience and psychopathology, Psychopathology47 (6): 345-346.
  • Gallese, V., Ferri, F. (2014), Psychopathology of the bodily self and the brain: the case of schizophrenia, Psychopathology47 (6): 357-364.
  • Gallese, V. (2014), Arte, Corpo, Cervello: Per un’Estetica Sperimentale, Micromega2014 (2): 49-67.
  • Gallese, V., Guerra, M. (2014), Corpo a corpo: simulazione incarnata e naturalizzazione dell’esperienza filmica, Psicobiettivo, 1: 156-177.
  • Gallese, V. (2014), Bodily Selves in Relation: Embodied simulation as second-person perspective on intersubjectivity, Philosophical Transactions - Royal Society. Biological Sciences369 (1644): 1-10.
  • Ferri, F., Costantini, M., Salone, A., Di Iorio, G., Martinotti, G., Chiarelli, A., Merla, A., Di Giannantonio, M., Gallese, V. (2014), Upcoming tactile events and body ownership in schizophrenia, Schizophrenia Research152: 51-57.
  • Ebisch, S. J., Salone, A., Ferri, F., De Berardis, D., Romani, G. L., Ferro, F. M., Gallese, V. (2013), Out of touch with reality? Social perception in first episode schizophrenia, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience8 (4): 394-403.
  • Ferri, F., Ebisch, S. J., Costantini, M., Salone, A., Arciero, G., Mazzola, V., Ferro, F. M., Romani, G. L., Gallese, V. (2013), Binding action and emotion in social understanding, PloS One8 (1): 1-9.
  • Gallese, V., Rochat, M. J., Berchio, C. (2013), The mirror mechanism and its potential role in autism spectrum disorder55 (1): 15-22.
  • Gallese, V., Guerra, M. (2013), Film, corpo, cervello: prospettive naturalistiche per la teoria del film, Fata Morgana20: 77-91.
  • Gallese, V., Ebisch, S. (2013), Embodied simulation and touch: The sense of touch in social cognition, Phenomenology and Mind4: 269-291.
  • Gallese, V., Rochat, M. (2013), The evolution of motor cognition: Its role in the devlopment pf social cognition and implications for the Autistic Spectrum Disorder. In The Developing Infant Mind: Integrating Biology and Experience, eds. M. Legerstee, M., Haley, D., Bornstein, M. (2013), New York: Guildford Press, 19-47.
  • Gallese, V., Ferri, F. (2013), Jaspers, the Body and Schizophrenia: The Bodily Self, Psychopathology46: 330-336.
  • Ebisch, S.J., Mantini, D., Northoff, G., Salone, A., De Berardis, D., Ferri, F., Ferro, F. M., Di Giannantonio, M., Romani, G. L., Gallese, V. (2013), Altered brain long-range functional interactions underlying the link between aberrant self-experience and self-other relationship in first-episode schizophrenia, Schizophrenia Bulletin40 (5): 1072-1082.
  • Gallese, V. (2013), Mirror neurons, embodied simulation and a second-person approach to mindreading, Cortex49 (10): 2954-2956.
  • Gallese, V. (2013), Bodily self, affect, consciousness and the cortex, Neuro-Psychoanalysis15 (1): 42-45.
  • Ferri, F., Chiarelli, A. M., Merla, A., Gallese, V., Costantini M. (2013), The body beyond the body: expectation of a sensory event is enough to induce ownership over a fake hand, Proceedings - Royal Society. Biological Sciences280: 1-7.
  • Gallese, V., Guerra, M., (2013), Forme di simulazione e sti(mo)li cinematografici, Reti, Saperi, Linguaggi, 2 (2): 9-12.
  • Gallese, V., Guerra, M. (2012), Embodying Movies: Embodied Simulation and Film Studies, Cinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image3: 183-210.
  • Gallese, V., Di Dio, C. (2012), Neuroesthetics: The Body in Esthetic Experience. In Encyclopedia of Human Behavior: Second Edition, ed. Ramachandran, V., London: Elsevier, 687-693.
  • Gallese, V., Sinigaglia, C. (2012), Response to de Bruin and Gallagher: embodied simulation as reuse is a productive explanation of a basic form of mind-reading, Trends in Cognitive Sciences16: 99-100.
  • Ferri, F., Frassinetti, F., Ardizzi, M., Costantini, M., Gallese, V. (2012), A sensorimotor network for the bodily self, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 24 (7): 1584-1595.
  • Caruana, F., Gallese, V. (2012), Overcoming the emotion experience/expression dichotomy, Behavioral And Brain Sciences35: 145-146.
  • Ferri, F., Salone, A., Ebisch, S. J. H., De Berardis, D., Ferro, F. M., Romani, G. L., Gallese, V. (2012), Action verb understanding in first-episode psychosis: is there evidence for a simulation deficit?, Neuropsychologia50: 988-996.
  • Ferri, F., Frassinetti, F., Mastrangelo, F., Salone, A., Ferro, F. M., Gallese, V. (2012), Bodily self and schizophrenia: the loss of implicit self-body knowledge, Consciousness and Cognition21 (3): 1365-1374.
  • Caruana, F., Gallese, V. (2011), Feeling, expressing, understanding emotions: A new neuroscientific perspective, Sistemi Intelligenti23: 223-234.
  • Gallese, V., Sinigaglia, C. (2011), How the body in action shapes the self, Journal of Consciousness Studies18: 117-143.
  • Gallese, V., Sinigaglia, C. (2011), What is so special with embodied simulation?, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 15: 519-519.
  • Ferri, F., Stoianov, I., Gianelli, C., D’Amico, L., Borghi, A. M., Gallese, V. (2010), When action meets emotions. How facial displays of emotion influence goal-related behaviour, PloS One, 5 (10): 1-8.
  • Chaminade, T., Zecca, M., Blakemore, S. J., Takanishi, A., Frith, C. D., Micera, S., Dario, P., Rizzolatti, G., Gallese, V., Umiltà, M. A. (2010), Brain response to a humanoid robot in areas implicated in the perception of human emotional gestures, PloS One5 (7): 1-12.
  • Castiello, U., Becchio, C., Zoia, S., Nelini, C., Sartori, L., Blason, L., D’Ottavio, G., Bulgheroni, M., Gallese, V. (2010), Wired to Be Social: The Ontogeny of Human Interaction, PloS One5 (10): 1-10.
  • Gallese, V. (2010), Corpo e azione nell’esperienza estetica. Una prospettiva neuroscientifica. In Mente e Bellezza. Mente relazionale, arte, creatività e innovazione, ed. Morelli, U. (2010), Torino: Umberto Allemandi & C. Editore, 245-262.
  • Gallese, V. (2010), Le basi neurofisiologiche dell'intersoggettività, La Società Degli Individui37: 48-53.
  • Rizzolatti, G., Gallese, V. (2009), Do Perception and Action Result from Different Brain Circuits? The Three Visual Systems Hypothesis. In 23 Problems in Systems Neuroscience, eds. Sejnowski, T., Van Hemmen, J. L., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 367-393.
  • Gallese, V. (2009), Mirror neurons and the neural exploitation hypothesis: From embodied simulation to social cognition. In Mirror neuron systems, ed. Pineda, I. A. (2009), New York: Humana Press, 163-190.
  • Gallese, V. (2009), Mirror neurons, embodied simulation and the neural basis of social identification, Psychoanalytic Dialogues19: 519-536.
  • Gallese, V., Rochat, M. (2009), Motor cognition: role of the motor system in the phylogeny and ontogeny of social cognition and its relevance for the understanding of autism. In Developmental Social Cognitive Neuroscience, eds. Zelazo, P., Chandler, M., Crone, E. (2009), Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 13-42.
  • Gallese, V. (2007), Mirror neurons and the social nature of language: the neural exploitation hypothesis, Social Neuroscience3: 317:333.
  • Freedberg, D., Gallese, V. (2007), Motion, emotion and empathy in aesthetic experience, Trends in Cognitive Sciences11: 197-203.
  • Gallese, V. (2007), Embodied simulation: from mirror neuron systems to interpersonal relations. In Empathy and Fairness. Novartis Symposium N° 278, ed. Frith, C. (2007), London: Wiley, 3-12.
  • Ferrari, P. F., Gallese, V. (2007), Mirror neurons and intersubjectivity. In On Being Moved: From Mirror Neurons to Empathy, ed. Braten, S. (2007), Amsterdam: Jon Benjamins Publishing Company, 73-88.
  • Gallese, V. (2007), Before and below 'theory of mind': embodied simulation and the neural correlates of social cognition, Philosophical Transactions - Royal Society. Biological Sciences362: 659-669.
  • Gallese, V. (2006), Intentional attunement: Embodied simulation and its role in social cognition. In Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience, ed. Mancia, M. (2007), Milano: Springer, 269-301.
  • Gallese, V. (2006), La molteplicità condivisa. Dai neuroni mirror all'intersoggettività. In Autismo. L’umanità nascosta, ed. Mistura, S. (2006), Torino: Einaudi, 207-270.
  • Gallese, V. (2006), La consonanza intenzionale: neuroni specchio, intersoggettività ed autismo. In La “Normale” Complessità del Venire al Mondo. Incontro tra scienze mediche e scienze umane, eds. La Sala, G. B., Iori, V., Monti. F., Fagandini, E. P. (2006), Milano: Guerini e Associati, 65-90.
  • Gallese, V. (2006), Corpo vivo, simulazione incarnata e intersoggettività: una prospettiva neurofenomenologica. In Neurofenomenologia. Le scienze della mente e la sfida dell'esperienza cosciente, ed. Cappuccio, M. (2006), Milano: Mondadori, 293-326.
  • Gallese, V. (2006), Intentional attunement: mirror neurons, intersubjectivity, and autism. In Coming into the World: A Dialogue between Medical and Human Sciences, eds. La Sala, G., Fagandini, P., Iori, V., Monti, F. (2006), Berlin – New York: De Gruyter, 45-64.
  • Rizzolatti, G., Fogassi, L., Gallese, V. (2006), Mirrors of the mind, Scientific American, 295: 54-61.
  • Iacoboni, M., Molnar-Szakacs, I., Gallese, V., Buccino, G., Mazziotta, J. C., Rizzolatti, G. (2005), Grasping the intentions of others with one's own mirror neuron system, Plos Biology, 3: 79-85.
  • Gallese, V., Lakoff, G. (2005), The brain’s concepts: the role of the sensory-motor system in reason and language, Cognitive Neuropsychology22: 455-479.
  • Gallese, V. (2005), Embodied simulation: from neurons to phenomenal experience, Phenomenology and The Cognitive Sciences4: 23-48.
  • Gallese, V. (2005), The intentional attunement hypothesis. The mirror neuron system and its role in interpersonal relations. In Biomimetic Neural Learning for Intelligent Robots. Intelligent Systems, Cognitive Robotics, and Neuroscience, eds. Wermter, S., Palm, G., Elshaw, M., (2005), Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 19-30.
  • Gallese, V., Keysers, C., Rizzolatti, G. (2004), A unifying view of the basis of social cognition, Trends In Cognitive Sciences8: 396-403.
  • Prinz, W., Metzinger, T., Gallese, V. (2003), Neurons don't represent, Consciousness And Cognition, 12 (4): 572-573.
  • Gallese, V., Metzinger, T. (2003), Motor ontology: The representational reality of goals, actions and selves, Philosophical Psychology16 (3): 365-388.
  • Gallese, V. (2003), A neuroscientific grasp of concepts: from control to representation, Philosophical Transactions - Royal Society. Biological Sciences358: 1231-1240.
  • Gallese, V. (2003), The roots of empathy: the shared manifold hypothesis and the neural basis of intersubjectivity, Psychopathology36: 171-180.
  • Gallese, V., Umiltà M. A. (2002), From self-modeling to the self model: agency and the representation of the self, Neuro-Psychoanalysis4: 35-40.
  • Gallese, V., Ferrari, P. F., Kohler, E., Fogassi, L. (2002), The eyes, the hand and the mind: behavioral and neurophysiological aspects of social cognition. In The Cognitive Animal, eds. Bekoff, M., Allen, C., Burghardt, M. G. (2002), Cambridge: MIT Press, 451-462.
  • Gallese, V., Fogassi, L. (2002), The neural correlates of action understanding in non-human primates. In Mirror Neurons and the Evolution of Brain and Language, eds. Stamenov, M. I., Gallese, V. (2002), Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing, 13-35.
  • Gallese, V. (2001), Actions, representations and intersubjectivity: From mirror neurons to multiple sharing systems, Sistemi Intelligenti13 (1): 77-102.
  • Rizzolatti, G., Fogassi, L., Gallese, V. (2001), Neurophysiological mechanisms underlying the understanding and imitation of action, Nature Reviews. Neuroscience2: 661-670.
  • Gallese, V. (2001), The "shared manifold" hypothesis: from mirror neurons to empathy, Journal of Consciousness Studies8: 33-50.
  • Gallese, V., Keysers, C., Mirror neurons: a sensori-motor representation system, Behavioral and Brain Sciences25: 983-984.
  • Buccino, G., Binkofski. F., Fink, G. R., Fadiga, L., Fogassi, L., Gallese. V., Seitz, R. J., Zilles, K., Rizzolatti, G., Freund, H. J. (2001), Action observation activates premotor and parietal areas in a somatotopic manner: an fMRI study, European Journal of Neuroscience13: 400-404.
  • Gallese, V. (2001), The acting subject: towards the neural basis of social cognition. In Neural Correlates of Consciousness - Empirical and Conceptual Questions, ed. Metzinger, T. (2001), Cambridge: MIT Press, 325-334.
  • Gallese, V. (2000), The inner sense of action: agency and motor representations, Journal of Consciousness Studies7: 23-40.
  • Rizzolatti, G., Fogassi, L., Gallese, V. (2000), Cortical mechanisms subserving object grasping and action recognition: a new view on the cortical motor functions. In The New Cognitive Neurosciences, ed. Gazzaniga, M. S. (2000), Cambridge: MIT Press, 539-552.
  • Gallese, V. (1999), Agency and the self model, Consciousness and Cognition, 8: 837-839.
  • Fogassi, L., Raod, V., Franchi, F., Gallese, V., Luppino, G., Matelli, M. (1999), Visual responses in the dorsal premotor area F2 of the macaque monkey, Experimental Brain Research128: 194-199.
  • Rizzolatti, G., Fadiga, L., Fogassi, L., Gallese, V. (1999), Resonance behaviors and mirror neurons, Archives Italiennes De Biologie137: 85-100.
  • Gallese, V. (1999),     From grasping to language: mirror neurons and the origin of social communication. In Towards A Science of Consciousness, eds. Hameroff, S., Kazniak, A., Chalmers, D. (1999), Cambridge: MIT Press, 165-178.
  • Gallese, V., Goldman, A. (1998), Mirror neurons and the simulation theory of mind-reading, Trends in Cognitive Sciences12: 493-501.