The International Centre for Enactivism and Cognitive Semiotics is a research centre founded in 2021 by Shaun Gallagher (University of Memphis), Claudio Paolucci (University of Bologna), Vittorio Gallese (University of Parma), Lambros Malafouris (University of Oxford), Daniel D. Hutto (University of Wollongong), Catherine Legg (Deakin University), and Fausto Caruana (CNR, Italy). The Centre is currently directed by Claudio Paolucci.
The Centre aims to promulgate the key ideas of enactivism and cognitive semiotics and to keep the scientific community updated with regards to books and publishing initiatives connected to both enactivism and cognitive semiotics.
The Centre also aims to refine and disseminate an interdisciplinary methodology suitable for investigating the ways in which agents make sense of the world.The fundamental research topics tackled by the Centre are varied and include: sense-making, basic cognition, meaning, action and perception, imagination, language, pretence, social cognition, habits and the role that material culture and technologies play in shaping the human mind.