The first meeting of the DUSE project took place from 23 to 25 January 2024. DUSE will improve health prevention by creating specific programs based on nutrition and physical education for children and adolescents. The project is supported by the European Commission through the EU4H programme. The coordinator of the project is Professor Milena Raffi (University of Bologna). The consortium includes organizations with different profiles, in the fields of sport and academia.

“Our work will be aimed at raising awareness among young generations of the beneficial effects of regular physical exercise - explains Professor Milena Raffi - because type 2 diabetes is a preventable pathology in most cases ”.

“I am very satisfied – comments Andrea Meoni, technician in the "Laboratory of Neurophysiology of the Visual and Muscular System" of the University of Bologna. The project aims to promote the self-efficacy of young generations by making them able to incorporate good nutrition and the constant practice of sporting activity into their daily routine. All partners are enthusiastic and eager to work, I think the project will be a success" concludes Meoni.

A series of interesting visits were also included in the program, for example to the “Luigi Cattaneo” Anatomical Wax Museum: the participants had the opportunity to delve into the history of medicine and science at the University of Bologna.

DUSE at ICPESS congress May 31 - June 2 2024

The partners met in Komotini, Greece, at the Democritus University of Thrace. The meeting took place in conjunction with the »32nd International Congress of Physical Education, Science and Sport« in which a workshop was organized to present the DUSE project. Each partner presented the activities that will be proposed in the coming school years to prevent diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Various relevant topics were discussed, such as the importance of physical activity, methods for teaching physical education to children and healthy lifestyle: more than 50 representatives of schools and sports organizations participated in the event.