FAIR Humanities Data: what they are and how to create them

  • Date: 17 NOVEMBER 2023  from 17:00 to 19:00

  • Event location: Online event

  • Type: Lesson

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FAIR Humanities Data: what they are and how to create them by Silvio Peroni

Silvio Peroni

Professor of Basic Computer Science, Computational Thinking and Programming, Data Science and Open Science at the Department of Classical Philology and Italianistics, University of Bologna. Silvio Peroni is one of the main developers of SPAR (Semantic Publishing and Referencing) ontologies, director of OpenCitations and director of the Master's Degree Course in Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge (DHDK). Main research interests include Semantic Web technologies, markup languages for complex documents, design patterns for digital documents and ontology modelling, and automatic document analysis and segmentation processes. My work involves theoretical studies and the technical implementation of tools to foster the semantic interoperability of Open Science services and infrastructures, empirical analysis of the nature of academic citations, bibliometrics and scientometrics studies, semantic data visualisation and navigation interfaces, and the development of ontologies to manage, integrate and query bibliographic information and humanities data.