CASEAWA is organized in six workpackages (WPs). WP1 regards the handling procedures of waste seashells and their grinding applying by specific grinding aids. The functionalization, blending, and characterization of the micro-bCCP will be carried chemically in WP2 by polymeric molecules and physically in WP3 by graphene. WP4 will produce and characterize nano-apatites from nano-FbCCP for regenerative medicine.

WP5 will use FbCCP for the production of strengthened and conductive Levirex® compounds. WP6 will take care of management and dissemination activities of CASEAWA.  CASEAWA consortium includes University of Bologna (WP1-2, 6), University of Konstanz (WP3,5,6), Spanish National Research Council (WP4,6) and Finproject industry (WP5,6).