Thermogravimetric analysis requires few milligrams of sample, 10-20 mg would be a proper amount. The analyses could be performed even on 1 mg of sample if there is only interest in the main signals. The temperature range covered by the instrument is between room temperature to 1500 °C.
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analysis can be performed on very little amount of sample either encapsulating the sample in KBr or using attenuated total reflection (ATR). This last method is a surface analyses especially suitable for films or organic materials.
For high quality analyses wide angle X-ray diffraction usually requires a significant amount of sample (enough to cover a holder 1.5 x 1.5 cm with a 200 um thick layer). Depending of the crystallinity of the sample and the aquisition parameters it could be performed also on less than a milligram of material.
Scanning electron microscopy analyses and interpretation. Sample preparation for the analyses is included. Our group has a wide experience in both polymeric and inorganic materials, both synthetic and biogenic.