POSTPONED. We inform you that, due to external factors, the event "New routes for the Free Port of Trieste" scheduled for October 15 has been postponed until further notice. New date will be notified as soon as possible.
Date: 15 OCTOBER 2021 from 9:15 to 13:00
Event location: In presence and online event
The attendance in person is allowed only upon presentation of a declaration form available at:
Click here to join the conference online:
The conference "New routes for the Free Port of Trieste", organized by the University of Trieste and the University of Insubria as part of the PRIN project on the "Belt and Road Initiative", will be held on October 15th starting from 9:15 a.m. at University of Trieste, Aula Bachelet, Ed. A, 1st floor, Piazzale Europa 1.