In this page you will find past and future events related to our research theme, held by our team or by colleagues and associates.
Firenze, via Montebello 7, Sismel - 1st floor hall
Workshop of the Bologna Unit of the OPA project.
Lections and seminars
Bologna, Via Zamboni, 32, Aula II
Conferences by Paulo F. Alberto (Universitade de Lisboa, visiting in Alma mater) and Paolo Chiesa (Università Statale di Milano), for Seminari di filologia classica e medievale.
Lections and seminars
Bologna, Via Zamboni, 32, Aula Camporesi - In presence and online event
Seminar Paulo Farmhouse Alberto (Università di Lisbona, visiting in Alma Mater) for «I testi anonimi nel Medioevo latino. Agiografia e poesia nel mondo Alto Medievale», for Seminari di filologia classica e medievale.
Bologna, Via Zamboni, 32
Congress organised by the FICLIT Department at Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna with the participation of «Micrologus. Scienze, natura e società medievali» (S.I.S.M.E.L.) and Fondation du Patrimoine culturel, historique et artisanal (Lausanne).
Lections and seminars
Bologna, Via Zamboni, 32, Aula II and Aula Serra Zanetti - In presence and online event
Three seminars (October 23rd, 30th and November 11th 2020) of José Santos Paz (Universidade da Coruña).