Nature, Commodities, and Bodies in Baroque Ballets across the Savoy State: Choreographies of Transmutation and Consumption, presented at the 35th CIHA World Congress São Paulo (session: Moving Bodies. The Transformative Power of “Body Art”; organized by M. Kern and M. Pasqualini), 21 January 2022. 

Nature, Commodities, and Bodies in Baroque Ballets across the Savoy State: Choreographies of Transmutation and Consumption, 35th CIHA World Congress Proceedings (Saõ Paulo: Vasto, forthcoming 2023).

Animation, Materials, Transcultural Ecologies: Performing Worlds at the Baroque Savoy Court of Christine of France, in Center & Clark Quarterly #2, 2022. 

Baroque Shores. Seawaters Mimesis in Early 17th-Century Turin and the Transalpine Savoy Duchy, presented at the SEA symposium (“On the sea and coastal ecologies: early modern pasts and uncertain futures” project), UC Davis Coastal Science Institute at Bodega Bay Marine Laboratory, 20 May 2022. 

Workshop Swimming, Diving, Immersion: Some Methodological Questions for Art History, organized by E. A. Daniele and B. Wilson, 20th École de Printemps in Art History “Making Green Worlds", UCLA, 13 June 2022.  

Baroque Landscapes and Animation: Ballets for Christine of France, presented at the 20th École de Printemps in Art History “Making Green Worlds", UCLA, 16 June 2022. 

Chair On Liquidity session, 20th École de Printemps in Art History “Making Green Worlds", UCLA, 13 June 2022. 

I balletti di corte per Cristina di Francia, presentazione per la Giornata di Studi "Il Cantiere del Barocco" organizzata da Sonia Cavicchioli, FICLIT, UNIBO, 25 Maggio 2022.

Performing Pearls: Dancing Bodies, Natural History, and Geopolitics in the Ballet Staged for Margaret of Savoy (1660), SCSC Minneapolis, 30 October 2022.

The Colour of Amethysts: The Gouldsmithes Storehowse and Il Gridelino Ballet, poster for the "Center & Clark Graduate Student Research Fair: Working with Paul Chrzanowski’s Early Modern Resources", 20 September 2022.

Conference Converting Natural Resources: Representations, Performances, Narratives, two panels sponsored by the UCLA CMRS Center for Early Global Studies (organized by E. A. Daniele, B. Wilson, J. Patiño Loira), RSA San Juan, 9 March 2023.


Marissa Nicosia, Pennsylvania State University, Abington "Recipes for Commodities: Seasoning Natural Resources in Renaissance England"

Cynthia Fang, University of California, Los Angeles "Lustrous Matters: Aventurine Glass and Its Circulation in the Seventeenth Century"

Caroline LaPorte-Burns, McGill University "Pearl Work: Material Extraction and the Violence of Ornament, Exhibited in Two Carved Nacre Snuffboxes"

Bernadette Myers, New York University "Coalface: Embodying Coal in Early Modern English Performance Culture"

Elisa Antonietta Daniele, University of Bologna "Purple Things: Flax Flowers, Linen, and Amethysts in the Ballet Il Gridelino (Turin, 1653)"

Cynthia Kok, Yale University "Commercializing the Foreign: Thinking with Mother-of-Pearl in an Early Modern Dutch Maritime World"

CONFERENCE – Converting Natural Resources: Representations, Performances, Narratives
organized by Elisa Antonietta Daniele, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow, and Bronwen Wilson, UCLA
December 1-2, 2023, W. A. Clark Memorial Library, University of California, Los Angeles

See also the Conference on UCLA Sustainability and the News of the Center for 17th- and 18th-Century Studies:[…]/[…]/

Carrie Anderson, Middlebury College
Sonia Cavicchioli, University of Bologna
Taylor Clement, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
James Clifton, Sarah Campbell Blaffer Foundation and Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Kevin Dawson, University of California, Merced
Caroline Fowler, The Clark Art Institute
Matthew Gin, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Shannon Kelley, Fairfield University
Caroline LaPorte-Burns, McGill University
Bernadette Myers, New York University
Marissa Nicosia, The Pennsylvania State University – Abington College
Sylvia Tongyan Qiu, University of California, Los Angeles
Cambra Sklarz, University of California, Riverside
Angela Vanhaelen, McGill University

NEW: “Nature, Commodities, and Bodies in Baroque Ballets across the Savoy State: Choreographies of Transmutation and Consumption”, 35th CIHA World Congress Conference Proceedings (São Paulo: Vasto 2023) 665-681. Download the Proceedings at:

The Savoy Landscapes and the Alps in Giovanni Tommaso Borgonio’s Commemorative Albums for Ballets (1645-1657), Fondazione Giorgio CiniNuovi studi sul disegno di paesaggio: materialità, esperienza, pratica 1500 — 1800, Convegno di studi organizzato da Camilla Pietrabissa e Elisa Spataro, 14-15 marzo 2024

Seawaters on the Alps: Blue Mimesis at the Savoy Court (1619-1660)36th CIHA World Congress Lyon (session: Making Green Worlds, organized by Angela Vanhaelen and Bronwen Wilson) June 25, 2024.

CONFERENCE - Arguzia/Natura/Artificio. Ingenuity and Contraptions in Baroque Arts and Literature, co-organized with Sonia Cavicchioli, Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Italianistica, Università di Bologna, Palazzo Magnani (December 5-6, 2024)


Elisa Acanfora, Università degli Studi della Basilicata
Victoria Addona, Université de Montréal
Nicola Bonazzi, Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna
James Clifton, The Museum of Fine Arts Houston
Elisa A. Daniele, Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna
Marzia Faietti, AlmaMaterStudiorumUniversitàdiBologna/KunsthistorischesInstitutinFlorenz–Max-Planck-Institut Federico Lanzellotti, Universität Basel
Lauro Magnani, Università degli Studi di Genova
Elisa Spataro, Sapienza Università di Roma
Angela Vanhaelen, McGill University, Montreal
Franca Varallo, Università di Torino
Bronwen Wilson, University of California, Los Angeles
Enrico Zucchi, Università degli Studi di Padova

The Fumes of Wit. Two Ballets Performed at the Savoy Court: Il Tabacco and I Bacchanali (1650-55), Arguzia/Natura/Artificio. Ingenuity and Contraptions in Baroque Arts and Literature, Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Italianistica, Università di Bologna, Palazzo Magnani (December 5, 2024).


Making Green Worlds – 20th École de Printemps in Art History

20th École de Printemps in Art History, W. A. Clark Library

SEA symposium, UC Davis Bodega Bay Marine Laboratory

SEA symposium, UC Davis Bodega Bay Marine Laboratory

SEA symposium, UC Davis Bodega Bay Marine Laboratory

SEA symposium, UC Davis Bodega Bay Marine Laboratory

Center & Clark Graduate Student Research Fair (© Reed Hutchinson)

Center & Clark Graduate Student Research Fair (© Reed Hutchinson)

RSA San Juan 2023

RSA San Juan 2023 (© cynthia fang)

Seminario Il Cantiere del Barocco FICLIT

Seminario Il Cantiere del Barocco FICLIT

UCLA Conference Converting Natural Resources
Center & Clark Graduate Student Research Fair

Center & Clark Graduate Student Research Fair

Center & Clark Graduate Student Research Fair (© Reed Hutchinson)

Center & Clark Graduate Student Research Fair (© Reed Hutchinson)

Center & Clark Graduate Student Research Fair (© Reed Hutchinson)

Center & Clark Graduate Student Research Fair (© Reed Hutchinson)

Center & Clark Graduate Student Research Fair (© Reed Hutchinson)

Center & Clark Graduate Student Research Fair (© Reed Hutchinson)


Visita alla mostra La fuga del tempo un ballo sia

conference bo

Conference Arguzia/Natura/Artificio (© cynthia fang)

conference bo

Conference Arguzia/Natura/Artificio (© cynthia fang)

conference bo

Conference Arguzia/Natura/Artificio